I wouldn't say that there's been a huge swing in favor of the player, but there has been something of one:
- the bonus type changes are global, yes, but the m+c and e cost cuts don't help the AI.
- ai superforts were nerfed, and other ai forts to a lesser extent
- black widow and artillery golems got major buffs; the AI benefits too but I've seen a lot more stories since then of players taking advantage of it
- the plasma siege starship is at least better than the previous iteration, and generally sees more human use than AI use
- turrets were significantly reduced in energy cost, and the AI doesn't use them
- the sniper and spider turrets were _massively_ reduced in m+c cost
- ally-dysons are now allowed to target mkV stuff
- spirecraft shield bearers are now about half as "expensive" in terms of asteroids
- flak & lightning turrets were made a
lot more viable due to the damage-under-ff-rule change for them, and lightnings were made still better by the near-removal of their stagger
- heavy beam cannons got a pretty massive buff, too
On the other hand, there have been nerfs like on riot tazers (a pretty brutal one, compared to "I can stop an arbitrary number of paralyzable AI ships as long as I want to").
Overall I'm thinking the "tradeoffing" of k-raiding and superterminal will counterbalance a lot of this in terms of "how far can optimal play get you" (not so much in terms of "how far does average play get you" since most players don't k-raid multiple times in a game or ride the ST to the floor). Then there's the ARS changes, which will certainly have an impact, but I think a good one for fun.
Anyway, I think the oscillations are within normal parameters