If I can get this idea of mine fleshed out enough I'll even put it on mantis *gasp*!
That's right, I want a new AI type.
Informal name: Grieving Gamer (GG)
This AI, a corrupted algothorum of human programing, combines raids, siege breaking assaults, and a mobile defense. Designed as much to wear down human psychology as mind, this AI is ruthless.
Ideas, if possible:
Instead of normal wave logic, the AI launches its "waves" using the counter attack logic: The AI launches its attacks (AI MK lvl) into human space. Which means on a 7/7 it launches its waves 1 worlds in early game, then at II it goes 2 waves in, etc, on 9/9 it starts 2 worlds in.
These "waves" will not be unusually fast, nor particularly raidy in composition, but when launched have half the warning time, and are launched twice as rapidly as normal waves.
Siege breaking assualts:
Nothing that fancy here. Not meant to be fancy.
The AI launches exowaves using the current 4 / 10 hard golem logic. Meaning if the player has another exo also enabled...they crash together.
A mobile defense.
Good news everyone!
This AI gets one reinforcement on their planets per reinforcement wave!
Bad news everyone!
This AI's special forces are three times stronger, and the core world reinforce like normal!