I've been on a roll recently making a lot of threads so I apologize - at least the topics are diverse.
TL;DR version at the bottom againAs expected, my first 6/6 game is not turning out so well - I played on a Simple 80-planet map and ended up with an territory that's vast, comprises various pointless systems, and it is way too many hops from end to end. I am yet to make significant progress in finding AI core worlds nor have obtained enough MKIV-V ships through ARS or Fabs (that is, none at all...). I even made the stupid mistake of hacking a backup design server containing the same exact blueprint from another system... crap!
Which now brings me to a perhaps questionable positioning of asking about a feature that hasn't been possibly bothered with before and that it's been years the AIP system has been in place without much complaints (or maybe I'm just not looking.) giving me the assumption its (near) perfect and that I'm actually playing wrong.
To be honest, I like the idea of having a constant difficulty where the early game is hard and the mid to end game is no easier at all. Instead, there are simply more bases to cover. I find the AI's tendency to ramp up reactions by pushing for every push you make an awesome, challenging game.
I understand of course that being clever is the best way to play AI War and that rolling off of every planet isn't a smart way of playing. But, I can't help but have this blanket idea about actually being able to control the AI's 'anger rate'.
Basically, an option much like the interval-based AIP step-up already exists so now I'd like to request a way to actually reduce the amount of AIP produced by things such as capturing systems (or heighten it up if I want a bit more punishment...) in one giant multiplier slider.
The truth is, I keep staring at all the fancy gadgets in my Science vessel's tech tree with hopes to obtain them by gathering knowledge the normal way - blowing up AI command stations and taking the knowledge from their planets with the assumption I can worm my way up with better technology. I assume simply getting all the knowledge may be a play style of its own, a sort of RPG-like progression where you unlock abilities while opponents also become stronger and more cunning. When you have better technologies, you can complement your fleet with higher tech level units coming from ARS's and Fabs as more of a bonus, rather than an absolute requirement.
At this moment, however, I can't help but feel the AI is officially biting chunks off of my defenses (mobile and static) by not only having higher tech levels but also having insane numbers. I didn't realize that AIP will actually mount up much faster than I can unlock proper technologies at the pace I expected. I stare at the galaxy screen to see a huge pattern of planets when it turns out I'll really only be bothering with more or less half of them because of how I shouldn't piss-off the AI too much.
Now, having just this option, I'm sure, is going to imbalance a lot of things (but hey, this game isn't about balance, I'm sure.) but I can see a number of new playstyles being encouraged from this including:
* Those who like eradicating the AI from the entire galaxy can continue to do so while still encountering a relative amount of challenge for their efforts without having to resort to extreme tactics like super mega bottlenecks. (this isn't quite me, though)
* Those who see planets with a variety of defensive chemistries and want to break them apart just for the sole purpose of blowing stuff up in different ways - and AI War is like a GOLD MINE of blowing stuff up! (now this is definitely me)
I don't actually mind the current progression of tech levels the AI achieves but I can't help but feel the ship numbers for AI might also die down at a certain point since, in the end, there's not enough technology and extra ship cap for the player to compensate against the AI's exponentially increasing wave sizes.
Please don't get me wrong, I am only requesting an option, not a fundamental change. (I do fear the latter may be the case.) I also DO like the idea of using deep strikes to only take the planets you really need and skipping the lot that's mostly useless. I also like the idea of finishing the game without seriously having to blow up every single planet in the galaxy - otherwise I'd really just choose a galaxy with low planet count.
This is not the last time at all I would play with the default AIP rate values on. In fact, the notion of an upcoming defeat in AI War makes me feel like doing another system and doing it right.
A lot of other games just stop me from playing altogether.
Pre-game start slider option to reduce or increase the rate at which AIP is gained! (I.E. AIP increases only at half rate or double rate, etc.)