Well, more questions from me. There are a few things that have been bugging me for quite a while, as well as some things that just happened, so I thought I'd ask here.
1: Most ships uncloak when they attack, but Riot Starships (I'm using cloaker starships to cloak them) are able to attack while cloaked, and the AI Ships just swirl around in confusion. I suspect this is because the Modules are counted as separate from the ship itself but the AI are incapable of targeting them without the ship being uncloaked.
2: I don't know if this is already known, but warhead interceptors show that they do not increase AIP when destroying missiles but it happens anyways.
3: Just out of curiosity, why are cloak starships not counted as military? I now know that you can use ctrl+click to select them too, but for a while this threw me off.
4: Random question 1: The armored Golem seems to be a reference to the Ohmu from the old movie Nausicaa: Of the Valley of the Wind. It looks similar, is incredibly well armored in a similar fashion and from the wiki the cheat to spawn them is "Ohm" so it seems to be.
5: Also random question, why is the icon for AI War a Botnet Golem? Not really relevant to anything, I was just wondering.
This is what I'm referring to, by the way.