Did you play with Lazy AI on or off?
Looking at the saves, he had lazy off AND CSGs on. They're somewhat redundant (I'm happy to accept a non-Lazy game as valid for balance feedback even with CSGs off) but he definitely wasn't cutting corners there.
If off, how did you get past the (supposed to be) sizable strategic reserves?
Superweapons, I'm thinking.
I did most of First AI by :
- building a full cap of lvl 1 & 2 neinzul in a world 2 steps from the AI homeworld.
- send the full pack of 384 ships.
- Waiting for the defense to unspawn.
- Repeat.
I did the same to clean-up the lvl 4 world next to the homeworld just before attacking the homeworld. The entire remainder of the fleet was set to defense duty.
Basically the 4 caps do about 15M damage before getting annihilated (much more random than this, of course), which the AI will not repair fast enough. Since I attack often the defense on the homeworld gets converted to threat, and since I have next to no def then attack and get crushed. Either that or I use the scout network put in place to search and destroy.
When I was beating up the last core guard (the one with the shield 5 and the drones) on the First I, by taking chunks of 10-15% of the shield, I remembered the penetrator and things went kinda faster from there. I could have done the first AI without, I do not know for the second AI. I found out they bypass shields when rushing the last AI home station, otherwise I used them to kill the shield first and whatever was below them afterwards (yes, I know...).
The main danger from the AI homeworld was not the reserves but, the drones. They spawn rather slowly, not all of them move (FRD bug ?) and anyway, they cannot (and shouldn't IMO) kill a 384 fleet fast enough to prevent any damage being done. Else the game would be unwinnable.
The other main danger was the Exo-waves, I restarted once for the first since I did not think they would all spawn NEXT to my howeworld. I save scummed once for the first core guard too (spawned at the same place, ruined my home station). I save scummed 4 - 5 for the second Exo, because I wanted the golem to survive, even if I survived most of them.