Author Topic: Steam Duplicate handle fail  (Read 3508 times)

Offline Crenzil

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Steam Duplicate handle fail
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:01:40 am »
I just got this game today and as I launched the games launches but I get an error and the game stays on the screen with a bunch of stars but mostly blank. I've verified the local files and re installed the game but the error remains the same. I looked through the forum and didn't find anyone with a similar error. Well any help is appreciated.

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Re: Steam Duplicate handle fail
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 09:51:04 am »
Hi there,

Thanks for your support!  The issue is one where something external is killing it -- typically this is AVAST antivirus, but there are a couple of culprits that have various solutions.  Most of those are worked out here:,15352.0.html

Hope that helps!
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