Two friends and I tried to play a multiplayer game just now, and were unable to connect. All three of us attempted to host, and for all of us would try to connect and then fail with the error message "Server connection was lost or could not be established." We all have AI war unblocked in our firewalls, and I have the port it uses forwarded to my computer. Since both of my friends are at colleges, and are unable to do that, I normally host. Additionally, one of the two has been able to connect to my games in the past, while at his college. We tried to download Hamachi to bypass all of that, but on one of my friend's computer it does not connect at all. The other one and I attempted to connect with Hamachi but were unable to connect even with Hamachi. It would not show a game at all in the LAN view and via direct IP (using the Hamachi IP) it gave us the same message. We all have the Steam version, so its up to date. None of us are running the beta version. Two of us have Zenith Remnant, but had it disabled in order to play with the third who does not. If any additional info is needed, just ask and I'll supply it. Thanks in advance for any help.