Currently attacking AI home command station, clearing out the Posts to save the command station for a quick destruction once the other AI is defeated.
Most posts were easy, I have most of my forces elsewhere, and few of the star ships I was using to attack other Posts can survive the Shield Posts with ~200 Core units at either of the two in this region, so I assumed I could just out range them with Siege star ships, RANGE:19000.
Currently the Siege Star ships are closing to ~5,000, the standard bomber range. Auto kiting behaviour does not affect the result either at 0, or above or below the RANGE: 19000 mark.
Is this something that only happens with Shield related attacks, or some other function I’m missing? Is there a way to force a MAX range attack, or just stop them moving and force them to attack from outside the RANGE: 12000 of the Missile Cruisers?