Author Topic: Random Lockup  (Read 2575 times)

Offline jj808

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Random Lockup
« on: February 14, 2010, 10:54:43 am »
Whenever I'm playing AI Wars it locks up randomly. Sometimes it does it on the map creation menu. Sometimes it locks up while playing the game itself. It doesnt seem to be any set length of time nor action that causes it.

Please help as i want to really play this game.

Offline x4000

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Re: Random Lockup
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 11:55:42 am »
What version are you playing, and is it creating any error files in the game data location (which you can get the location of from the big textbox at the bottom of the settings window). My guess is that either a graphics driver is messed up, or .net, or directx, but that could help us narrow it down. This is actually the first report I've ever had of random lockups like this, out of many thousands of players, so something is really odd. Might even be some form of hardware issue, with a lockup...
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Offline x4000

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Re: Random Lockup
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 02:34:34 pm »
Okay, your post on the Impulse forums clarifies that your entire machine is locking up, not just AI War.  That changes things more than a bit, because AI War is a .NET-based program, which means that its runtime is heavily isolated from the operating system.  It is virtually impossible for a .NET program to lock up the entire computer unless it is making "unsafe" calls (we are not).

However, that said, unlike non-game programs, AI War does make API calls into other parts of the system: specifically DirectX, though a .NET wrapper called SlimDX.  And then DirectX makes further API calls into graphics card drivers, audio drivers, and so forth.  Almost certainly what is happening here, unless this is a hardware problem, is that AI War is triggering some sort of bug or glitch in one of those external components.  Things I would try, in order:

1. Make sure that your graphics card driver is up to date.
2. Same deal with your audio driver.

Then, the next question is this: do you play a lot of other games on this computer, and do they have any problems?  Assuming that you play other games and they work fine, and the graphics/audio drivers did not fix the issue, then that is a serious clue that the .NET framework itself is corrupted, since that's the component of windows that AI War uses that most other games would not.  In that case:

3. Uninstall .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5, then reinstall them.  Repair operations on these don't tend to do the trick.  This step is a pain, and is almost never needed (usually external issues revolve around the graphics card), but it's a much larger problem with your computer than just AI War.

Alternatively, if you normally use a lot of .NET apps without issue, but AI War is one of the few games you play, then your problem is most likely in DirectX.  In that case:

3. Reinstall DirectX 9.0c, usually it can install over top of itself just fine but you may need to do either a repair install (which tends to work in my experience), or just uninstall it and reinstall it if you want to be on the safe side.

Or, the problem could be hardware related.  Generally the first places to look are the hard disk and the RAM with something like a lockup.  Doing a scandisk can check your hard disk, and doing something like memtest86 can verify that your RAM doesn't have any issues.  In XP and up, generally a system lockup is indicative of either hardware problems, some sort of spyware/malware, or some seriously malfunctioning software of another sort.  Given the nature of AI War itself, it's the sort of program that isn't able to malfunction to the point of causing a system lockup directly -- it could trigger that sort of issue through the software it sits on top of (drivers, .NET itself, DirectX), but those would be the places to look.

Hope that helps!
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Offline jj808

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Re: Random Lockup
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 11:42:56 am »
No, i play quite a few other games (Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, Divinity 2, several 4x games, C&C 3,  etc...) and have experienced no problems from them at all. My graphics drivers and sound drivers are up to date as far as nVidia is concerned.

I am currently running .Net 3.5 SP1. I will try the reinstall for 3.0 and 3.5. and if that doesnt work i will repair/reinstall 9.0c. If none of that works ill start taking a look at the hardware as just recently i upgraded and increased my RAM. Will report back if any of that works.

Offline x4000

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Re: Random Lockup
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 11:59:16 am »
No, i play quite a few other games (Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, Divinity 2, several 4x games, C&C 3,  etc...) and have experienced no problems from them at all. My graphics drivers and sound drivers are up to date as far as nVidia is concerned.

Sounds like that will narrow this down significantly, that's great.  Sometimes the 190s versions of nVidia graphics card drivers have caused problems with players in AI War and other games (though for others, like me, the 190s drivers work just fine).  For those who do have problems with the 190s drivers, it tends to be in a lot of games and tends to be just the screen being black in AI War, not a crash and certainly not a full system lockup.  The solution for them is generally to just revert to the 180s versions of nVidia drivers, but I'd be super surprised if that is your issue here.

I am currently running .Net 3.5 SP1. I will try the reinstall for 3.0 and 3.5. and if that doesnt work i will repair/reinstall 9.0c. If none of that works ill start taking a look at the hardware as just recently i upgraded and increased my RAM. Will report back if any of that works.

.NET 3.0 isn't really a full version of .NET, it's more like an extra content pack for .NET 2.0 (adding stuff like WPF, and a few other things that were then officially added in .NET 3.5).  Given that so many other games are working just perfectly for you, I am going to bet that your issue is with .NET being corrupt in some fashion, rather than DirectX.  AI War uses a fair amount of memory in extreme cases, as in up to around 1.2GB if you've got well over a hundred thousand ships in the game (a real rarity).  But since this is locking up even on the main menu and such, you'd still be using very little RAM at that stage, under 300MB most likely, and most campaigns tend to use less than 600MB of RAM even if there are four players or so.  But, memory allocations do need to be contiguous, so if there are a lot of other programs running at the time you run AI War (or any other game), you might see more overall memory allocation thanks to it having to overallocate to get contiguous batches of RAM that can hold certain game structures.  At any rate, that would be the only reason I'd expect for it to be hitting any errors in RAM that you might not have yet encountered in those other games.

You might also try checking your Event Log in windows, under Control Panel, Administrative tools, and see if it has any notes there on what happened.  Might give clues as to what it was that encountered the error that led to the freeze.
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