Hi. Thanks for the welcome and for trying to figure this out for me
In my first game I happened to get shield bearers and I'm having to position them over my units manually during prolonged engagements. I've put them in their own control group to help with this. The 'L' key helps in selecting the first part of this control group but then I want to move the others and I end up having to manually select them since the L key always selects the same units. For example if I have 6 shield bearers and I want to move a third to one spot and while they're moving select the other 4 in the control group to split them up to move them elsewhere I can't seem to do that using a shortcut. The quickest way I've found is to select all 6 shield bearers and alt drag click the ones I've already moved. I was hoping this omitted unit shortcut would let me invert a control group after selecting part of the control group. For example I was hoping I could do this:
1. select the control group for the 6 units, say it's ctrl group 1
2. hit shift+L to select 2 units
3. while the 2 units from control group 1 were selected hit the key for omitted units + 1 (for control group 1)
4. it would select the four units that were omitted from my current selection but part of control group 1. This would let me split up the selection again.
That is not what this keybind does. As I couldn't tell what it did I became curious.
In any case it's not a big deal. I was just hoping there was a shortcut to do what I described above. Also thanks for the link to the pocket reference. While it's not directly useful to me (I remapped nearly all my controls) it's nice to have something that shows the original controls.
Is there an easy way to revert all the controls to their defaults? (edit: never mind about this. Just tried moving the inputbindings.dat file and it seemed to do the trick)