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Help (*What are folks using for Hamachi-like connections?)

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Nice, thanks for the tip!

My friends and I have success with a program called Tunngle (  It's free as well, so may be another option worth considering Creeper

I highly recommend port forwarding proper. It solves so many issues and saves you from having to muck about with third party software.


--- Quote from: Mánagarmr on January 06, 2015, 11:57:12 pm ---I highly recommend port forwarding proper. It solves so many issues and saves you from having to muck about with third party software.

--- End quote ---
I second this. Unless you have some sort of arbitrary multiple routers setup, you only need to find one id/password to get access to the port forwarding menu, which is almost certain to be on the router somewhere. (if its not, you can find the defaults on the internet and reset the router to make it so.)

i like port forwarding however i like many likely do not have access to our routers because our isp has provided the modem and maintains the settings so they can do remote resets.
there are many third party solutions to this. steam for that matter has tools to do it too but i havent kept up on programming enough to realize how difficult their server solutions are to implement in the game. i have noticed many (even most) games choose not to go thru steam hoops and write and host their own server code. while i do love this game it is classed as old style since its network options still are mainly based on basic p2p and local instead of using a unified remote hosting/server system. on the other hand i very much appreciate that the game doesnt cost more to support matching systems that rarely get used given the play time of each game.


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