General Category > AI War Classic - Technical Support
Found a bug or have a suggestion? Please use our bug tracker to report it!
You can log in here (not with your forum login, you'll need a different login for the bug tracker):
Please be sure to search the bug tracker to make sure that your issue has not already been reported!
The Bug Tracker is dedicated to the reporting and discussion of suspected bugs in AI War.
Please post a separate bug report for each individual bug you wish to report. Include as much information about the bug as you can, as well as the version of AI War you were running. If possible, detail the steps required to reproduce the bug and/or attach an appropriate save game showing the bug occurring.
If the bug resulted in the game crashing, please attach any error files that were produced. Examples of such files include UnhandledErrors.txt, SoundLoadException.txt, and AIErrors.txt. In AI War 4.0, these files are now in the RuntimeData folder inside your game folder!
Thanks for your assistance!
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