Just want to start off by saying I'm not trying to break the game... it just happens and I'm sorry for the wall of text
Playing the latest beta, the game loads up incredibly fast, the background look great, and I'm still having fun.
Tooling around with a 10/10 Grav Drill/ Vanilla (Golems/Spire hard 4/4, DS 10, HRF 10, Fallen Spire 4, SCL, Z Trader)
no plots complex ships ultra low caps. 120 planets, 16 HW snake layout.
I've played this setup now 3 times (4th is still in progress) and I've been able to run the game fairly consistent until a large battle pops on a planet (15k ships and turrets in the same system or more) or threat levels in the galaxy get to unmanageable levels (I managed in on failed game to push threat to over 32000 and that didn't include incoming waves).
So aside from me pushing the upper limits of what the engine can handle, I'd say it's good
Some things I've noticed though. With shot graphics disabled, snipers, sniper turrets, and zenith beam frigates still have a graphic for their shots (assist)? There are no options to disable engi, MRS, Fort repair lines (assist again?) And tractor turrets have no option either. Might be a few more I haven't remember right off or haven't explicitly seen. Not super important but might help some in large battles.
When the threat level is extremely high, the game starts to get a bit slow. I think maybe forcing a CPA if the threat gets way out of hand (32k threat in one game.. I was praying for a 20k CPA) would be good.
And a blurb about carriers. I'm starting to like carriers. Not because they make the game smoother or anything like that but because they are the proverbial Pandora's Box. Nothing says SURPRISE like popping a 1K carrier and getting a mix of fleet, star, spire, and golems with no warning. Makes these guys a lot bigger threat and makes popping them away from any defensive line a real choice.
And since I'm here, 10/10 is OW ... a mothership to the knee...
AI is constantly sending waves from about the 7 minute mark on. Just enough time to get a good mix of ships out and get a defensive position set. It only gets worse from there. Windows to raid AI planets are short and AIP quickly becomes unmanageable (current game is 5 planets gate raided and one of those is neutral AIP 132).
SCL is killing me right now.
The fun stuff the AI likes to do (and sheesh) is sending a constant stream of waves while I'm preparing for an Exo.
We are talking 4- 12k worth of ships in each wave from about 55% on the Exo timer until about 97% on the timer.
I'm about 6:50 into the curent game and I fully expect to take a mothership to the knee.
Edit: And here she comes...