What about providing a discount on power usage on planet with a log station, in order to keep the speed modifiers from changing?
The main thing about turrets now is that they sap the global power grid something fierce if you have a proper anvil set up to take an exo-wave hammer. If you're playing without exo-waves and have a more archipeligo approach, it's still kind of brutal because you can't have as many planets with full turret deployments, simply because you're not going to have deep sections of terrain to turn into Mk II & III supply posts. To balance this, why not let the logistics portion actual improve the efficiency of managing energy reserves? Any ship, turret, golem, warhead... whatever has its power requirement temporarily decreased to 80% of normal (Mk I), 60% of normal (Mk II) or 40% of normal (Mk III). When/if the device leaves the system, the discount goes away.
There's a host of ramifications to this idea strategy wise that would need play testing, but what are people's gut reaction to the notion?