Author Topic: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?  (Read 6739 times)

Offline Coppermantis

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2012, 03:46:06 pm »
Guardians :
Most difficult :

EMP is nasty if it catches you off guard, otherwise starship disassembler and Artillery because they hurt my high-value starships. 

Least difficult :

 Zombie, Vampire, Raider

Bonus ship:

Most difficult:

Zenith Bombards because they're just so good at sniping my golems and such. Electric Bombers are nasty in high numbers as well.
Least difficult:

Things like Microfighters or Shredders that get their strength in numbers. The AI doesn't correctly take advantage of their swarming capabilities.

AI type:
Most difficult:

Turtle, despite being an "easy" AI Type, because of SO MANY EYES. It gets rather tedious after a while. They're everywhere. Raid Engine is a toughie too for obvious reasons.
Least difficult:

Mine Enthusiast, because with a little caution you won't take too much damage from mines. The only real problem is the EMP mines, which can be unfortunate to encounter at a bad time. I haven't played against a lot of other AI types, but it seems like
I can already tell this is going to be a roller coaster ride of disappointment.

Offline Diazo

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2012, 05:18:50 pm »
The only AI ship types I really take pains to knockout early are the Zombie and EMP guardians.

Zombie because they reclaim so many freaking of my fleet ships so they are annoying but not that dangerous.

EMP guardians however I am actually scared of. Pretty much any game I lose in the early to early-mid game phases is due to an EMP guardian, AIP has not gotten high enough for the waves to threaten my defenses yet at that point.

I do fear EMP guardians the entire game, but from mid game on the waves are a bigger threat as the AIP climbs.


Offline barryvm

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2012, 06:25:02 pm »
My personal nemesis would be the spire tractor platform.
Seeded them three out of my four last games and hated them thoroughly in the end.

Offline Kahuna

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2012, 09:30:48 am »
Least difficult:

Things like Microfighters or Shredders that get their strength in numbers. The AI doesn't correctly take advantage of their swarming capabilities.
This is true. The only swarmer type ship that has ever caused me problems was Autocannon. The AI sent ~8k Autocannons in 1 wave. Never seen that many other swarmers.
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Offline Winge

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2012, 12:27:57 am »
I do fear EMP guardians the entire game, but from mid game on the waves are a bigger threat as the AIP climbs.

My first two losses came from Hunter Killers and EMP Guardians.  Needless to say, I have much more respect (read: brutal animosity) for those two enemies.

I definitely hate Tractor Platforms.  I swear, the AI gets as many of those as they do Fighters in some games (before the initial seeding change...hoping Keith fixed that  ;) ).  They do much more damage than I gave them credit for too.  I despise facing Blade Spawners too (well, unless I managed to unlock Gravity Drains or Maws...not even sure if Maws suction fast enough any more).

Least difficult is definitely Zenith Viral Shredders.  The whole point of those is to self-replicate, and they are simply too slow to do that to a mobile fleet.
My other bonus ship is a TARDIS.

Offline Kahuna

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2012, 10:10:34 am »
I definitely hate Tractor Platforms.  I swear, the AI gets as many of those as they do Fighters in some games (before the initial seeding change...hoping Keith fixed that  ;) ).  They do much more damage than I gave them credit for too.  I despise facing Blade Spawners too (well, unless I managed to unlock Gravity Drains or Maws...not even sure if Maws suction fast enough any more).
The Thief AI sometimes sends ~100 Tractor Platforms in 1 wave if there's nothing else but TPs. I'd rather fight vs Bombers than TPs

Least difficult is definitely Zenith Viral Shredders.  The whole point of those is to self-replicate, and they are simply too slow to do that to a mobile fleet.
Unless you're defending and all the shredders want are your energy collectors, matter converters, space docks, advanced factories or whatever. Annoying.
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Offline TechSY730

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2012, 10:12:47 am »
Least difficult is definitely Zenith Viral Shredders.  The whole point of those is to self-replicate, and they are simply too slow to do that to a mobile fleet.
Unless you're defending and all the shredders want are your energy collectors, matter converters, space docks, advanced factories or whatever. Annoying.

Ahh melee ships. Completely lame and forgettable, unless they manage to get to your important stuff. Then they become your worst nightmares. ;)

Offline Winge

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Re: What AI ships/types you find most/least difficult/annoying to deal with?
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2012, 05:38:51 pm »
Least difficult is definitely Zenith Viral Shredders.  The whole point of those is to self-replicate, and they are simply too slow to do that to a mobile fleet.
Unless you're defending and all the shredders want are your energy collectors, matter converters, space docks, advanced factories or whatever. Annoying.

Ahh melee ships. Completely lame and forgettable, unless they manage to get to your important stuff. Then they become your worst nightmares. ;)

And that is why I unlock Gravity Turrets in almost every game.  They are good for any defense, and absolutely shut down melee units!  :D
My other bonus ship is a TARDIS.