Author Topic: Weirdness or Ignorance?  (Read 1378 times)

Offline IIE16 Yoshi

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Weirdness or Ignorance?
« on: May 25, 2014, 02:33:02 pm »
Hey there. Me again. In the midst of playing a game with alternate champion progression, hard broken golems and hard spirecraft and in the process of securing a sector with only one way in to establish that one way as a fortress world once I've capped the turret Vs in the sector. Something which confused me was despite trying to start the game repeatedly with various levels of alternate champ progress, I've spawned without my champion. In the end, I put it down to ignorance and just got into this game instead, assuming that the spirecraft or golems were making it exclusive. As a last resort, this game I'm playing now, I decided to add in alternate champ nemesis in case that fixed it, but it didn't. But, 10 planets and some 30k research points later, a wild nebula starbase appeared. Shot's a bit wonky due to the game scrolling as I tried to take it. And as can be clearly seen, I have a exo force on the way due to champ nemesis. But as can be seen, my shadow ship is AWOL. The tooltips on the golems and spirecraft in the lobby said that only the three difficulties were mutually exclusive, nothing to indicate a missing shadow ship. I've either missed a memo somewhere or my hero unit has done a runner.

How much fun are exo forces? I've never played a game that featured them or if I have, I didn't last long enough to see them because I suck.  :(
I expect armadas of T5/MkV ships and my backside is prepared, just in case.

Offline Diazo

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Re: Weirdness or Ignorance?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 02:47:17 pm »
Note that the setting to spawn a champion under your control is actually up next to the player name on the right hand side.

You need to change the player role from "Normal" to "Normal + Champion". As things stand currently you can enable champion alt-progress and alt-nemesis without actually giving yourself a champion if you leave the player role at "Normal".

If it is not that, can you detail exactly what your game settings are? My quick test start spawned the player champion as expected with the settings you posted.

Hope that helps,


Offline IIE16 Yoshi

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Re: Weirdness or Ignorance?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 02:53:00 pm »
Note that the setting to spawn a champion under your control is actually up next to the player name on the right hand side.

You need to change the player role from "Normal" to "Normal + Champion". As things stand currently you can enable champion alt-progress and alt-nemesis without actually giving yourself a champion if you leave the player role at "Normal".

If it is not that, can you detail exactly what your game settings are? My quick test start spawned the player champion as expected with the settings you posted.

Hope that helps,


Well then, put it down to Ignorance. /thread.
I completely forgot about having to change roles in the lobby. I should look harder. Egh. I was only a couple hours into the game anyway. REDO!