I'm having considerable trouble withthe ingame ship spreedsheet. Firstly, when using the "display comparision for ships" pulldown, you cant scroll using the wheel because it will zoom in on the actual gamescreen. I think this needs to be fixed (i.e. pulldown higher priority for wheel than gamescreen).
Secondly, i believe the reference sheet is very poorly done, even though its a great idea. Then again, maybe I'm just stupid.
Here is the situation. I have an incoming wave of 100 armor ships. Since i cant build them (yet?) i dont know their weakness. I know i can see their stats and such i should probably not use fighter class but more like capital ships. So i open op the ref sheet and thats about where it starts. I suppose it should be logical to select armor ship I as the "target", hit "ships i can build" and then see which of the ships i can build offers the best multipliers in both damage and armor vs armor ships. But it doesnt seem like that is working. I feel like the ref sheet is working the other way around, i have to choose ONE of my own ships, then "hostile ships" and then i see how this single ship performs against the different hostile classes that are around.
I'm probably doing it wrong, considering there are like 6 or what different things to choose.
It would be very kind if someone could post a screenshot or setup to show me what i need to do in order to get the result i want (here: use refsheet to see which of the ships i can build perform best vs armor).
In addition: How would i best deal with this system ?
http://prntscr.com/6xdguThe P armor is annoying and has many HP, better to capture it despite losses ?
Lastly, i killed a warp counter post and have an incoming wave in 13 (?) minutes. The system being attacked has 3 wormholes of which 2 lead into AI terrain. Despite having a AWS, none of the 2 hostile WHs turned from green to red ?