Two somewhat related topics:
As I've matured in my understanding of the game and its mechanics, I've come to realize that one of the reasons I was getting ROFLstomped in the late stages of previous attempts wasn't necessarily due to high AIP (despite it being higher than it "should" have been), but due to the buildup of threat throughout the galaxy. When a CPA or wave would happen, that threat would suddenly add itself to the attacks in progress, leading to a failure cascade that would overwhelm my defenses.
I understand now that it's worth pursuing, from time to time, threat management: Dropping a fleet into a high-threat system and letting it wipe out the active (and, in most cases, the inactive) ships. There's also the option, if the threat is dangerous enough, to just pull defense forces out of a system, baiting the threat to attack and then destroying it that way.
My question, then, deals with AI Co Processors: Strikes to kill all four (especially in my current game) would generate a significant amount of threat, as enemy ships "awake" because of the strikeforce. Am I missing something, or am I correct in thinking that the net result of hitting the CoProcs (net -40 AIP, less return-on-destruction per target than a Data Center) is probably not worth the threat generated? Only one of the CoProcs supply blocks something important, and at this point of the game, that Fabricator isn't worth it, either.
Since one doesn't typically locate all 4 Co-Processors until late in the game, are they a popular target? Or am I missing something about them that would make them juicier?