Hey, new here.
I've been playing AI for a while now (about a month and bought Neinzul + LoTS 3 days ago), and finally decided to man up and try something harder. So I tried both AI set to 7.3 difficulty (6 was way to easy). Anyway, its been going pretty well, and i've just crossed the 7 hour mark. However, I'm stuck on what I consider to be impossible.
To continue the Fallen Spire campaign, I need to get to a planet (and it has an advanced factory AND research station). However, in the path of that there is a level 4 planet with an AI Mark 3 fortress, a Mark 1 ion cannon, an AI Eye (surrounded by a Core AI shield), and of course some other stuff surrounded by Mark 3 shields. Keep in mind that the fortress covers the other wormhole, so escaping through it doesnt work. Also, two of the guardposts are covered by two different mark 3 shields, and a third guardpost is covered by the same core shield that covers the eye.
I've done some reading, and apparently by killing the supply to the planet, the fortress goes down, which would make killing the eye easier. However, this planet is in supply from about 7 other planets.
So, any ideas? I can post pics if needed.