Arcen Games

General Category => AI War Classic => AI War Classic - Strategy Discussion => Topic started by: jihad.bou15 on May 29, 2015, 02:04:41 pm

Title: skipping planets
Post by: jihad.bou15 on May 29, 2015, 02:04:41 pm
I understand that to keep the AIP low, I need to "skip" planets.
Only problem i have no clue how to do that since you can only supply adjacent planets.
Can someone explain to me how you go about it?

Btw Chris Park, thank you for developing one the best strategy game i had the pleasure to play
keep up the good work
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: kasnavada on May 29, 2015, 02:10:17 pm
Supply is not necessary to build command stations =).


Funny, same thread name !
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: jihad.bou15 on May 30, 2015, 03:53:43 am
But i do need to destroy the ai command station right?
if thats the case, I would still get the AIP penalty.and thats exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
also i'm unable to use the builder in a supply-less area. I checked.
So confused  ???
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: TheVampire100 on May 30, 2015, 09:12:44 am
Skipping planets means that you neuter planets (destroy everything EXCEPT Command station) in your way until you get to a planet you want.
Mobile builders don't work, that's true, but colony ships DO work and that's what you need for taking a planet. The built command station will, as usually, provide supply.
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: Toranth on May 30, 2015, 09:14:29 am
But i do need to destroy the ai command station right?
if thats the case, I would still get the AIP penalty.and thats exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
also i'm unable to use the builder in a supply-less area. I checked.
So confused  ???
Use your fleet to destroy the AI Command Station in the system you wish to capture.  Then escort a Colony Ship to that system, and use it to build a new Human Command Station.
If the system you wish to capture is not adjacent to a system you currently own, you can bypass the intervening systems - just move through the system without destroying the AI's Command Station.  You'll want to destroy the AI Guardposts and ships, but these do not have an AI penalty.

If you are having trouble moving your fleet and colony ships around, you can load them into a Transport.
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: jihad.bou15 on May 30, 2015, 10:09:49 am
Thank for the quick reply.
will test it out today
Title: Re: skipping planets
Post by: Kahuna on May 30, 2015, 11:31:13 am
Skipping planets means that you neuter planets
Skipping planets means just skipping them.
To skip safely you can just destroy specific Tachyon Guardians and use Assault Transports to skip the planet.