Author Topic: Send ships to Class4 planet causes AI to send the ships to attack my homeworld  (Read 1987 times)

Offline FFLaguna

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Two quick questions:

First, there is a Class IV planet a couple jumps from my homeworld. When I send any military forces to that planet, they get destroyed and then a ton of Class IV ships from that planet make a bee-line for my homeworld, where I lose the game. Why is this happening? I didn't notice anything in particular on the building descriptions for that AI world.

Secondly, I am running 5.057 (most recent Ancient Shadows release) and my scouts are still stalling on that particular Class IV planet. When I choose "Auto-Explore", all my scouts head to that planet in one big group, and when they get to that planet they just stand still and cease exploring. I am confirmed running on 5.057 where this bug has supposedly been fixed, playing a new game I started after updating to 5.057. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm also going to report this on the tracker.


Offline Martyn van Buren

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Well, basically a Mark IV planet is pretty dangerous.  Its called that because (sorry if this is too obvious) it contains Mark IV ships, which have four times the health AND four times the firepower of Mk I ships.  So they can tear up your ships pretty quickly if you let them get outnumbered.  To answer your second question, once you've sent non-scout ships to an AI world and the AI has "woken up" ships to attack them, many of those ships will become "threat" and become free to move around the galaxy and stir up trouble rather than hanging around the structures they were guarding originally --- the total number of these ships is the thing counted by the threat counter at the top-right of your screen.  You may not have noticed them while attacking weaker worlds, partly because you may have managed to destroy almost all of the ships on them, but also because the AI doesn't like to waste threat ships and won't send them to attack you until it thinks it has a chance of overpowering your defenses --- which can happen pretty easily when you free up Mark IV ships as threat.  Once there's enough threat ships to take on your worlds, you can expect them to start coming for you pretty fast.

Attacking high-mark worlds early game can be quite challenging, but there are a lot of strategies that can help you pull it off.  If you're trying to do a gate-raid, the best thing is often to send a small strike force of raid starships or something similar, as smaller attacking forces will free less ships.  If you want to take the whole world, you can also take it a little bit at a time, keeping your ships together so you can fight the detachment at each guardpost separate with better odds.  You can also try to sneak up on them --- if you transport ships in before taking any of the bordering worlds, the planet won't be put on alert and it will have a lot less reenforcement.  But for all these it's probably worth beefing up your defenses to make sure they can handle any Mk IV ships that do slip through --- and take the hit if you lose your fleet and the remaining ships go after you.

If you want to get some better guidance about this, there's an attack on a Mk IV world in the final tutorial scenario that tends to involve a pretty big threat counterattack, and there's a great deal of excellent advice about how to do it in a thread I started when I got stuck on that very part: <,7514.0.html >

Offline Kahuna

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I recommend creating 1, 2 or max 3 choke points/battle grounds to protect your home planet. Take all attacks, waves, exos whatever on those planets. This way they won't get to your home planet.

You might want to take a look at this. Defenses like that will depending on difficulty stop most attacks on their own. You might not even need to use your fleet. But that's my play style. I'm always very defensive.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 06:08:17 am by Kahuna »
set /A diff=10
if %diff%==max (
   set /A me=:)
) else (
   set /A me=SadPanda
echo Check out my AI War strategy guide and find your inner Super Cat!
echo 2592 hours of AI War and counting!
echo Kahuna matata!

Offline barryvm

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I've had the same problem many times.
You can also try to wake up the ships gradually and lure them though the wormhole with a few starships or other high health ships.
At the other side you position your fleet, so any ships passing through will be outnumbered and easily dealt with while at the same time your fleet doesn't activate all the guards at the mk IV world.
If the released thread does not enter the wormhole it's because the AI knows you're there and it considers the world too heavily defended.
A bait and switch technique works well in this scenario, especially if you place tractor beams to keep them from fleeing again.

Offline keith.lamothe

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If the released thread does not enter the wormhole it's because the AI knows you're there and it considers the world too heavily defended.
A bait and switch technique works well in this scenario, especially if you place tractor beams to keep them from fleeing again.
Another tactic there is to get some Riot Control Starships with tractor modules and drag some AI ships back home with you :)
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Offline Martyn van Buren

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One more thing you can do is to consider whether you really need the world --- if you can find another way around it might be a good idea just to leave it, and gate-raid later if it's creating waves in inconvenient places.  Having a heavily fortified AI world among your planets is a lot less dangerous than you'd think.