So, in my current campaign, I have about 15 planets and a very good economy (including 1 advanced factory).
However, the AI progress is about 470 right now, thanks to a failed human rebel colony and now another one has popped up.
So, I made 14 transports for my fleet and escorted them the 4 hops to the planet in question, losing 400ish planes&raptors plus my 3 fleetships in the process. However, my 1400 ship fleet made it unharmed. I was expecting an easy victory, as this system was unalerted.
Boy, was I wrong. It seems that the AI is constantly shifting fleets through this system. Those fleets, plus their propensity for electric shuttles (grarrr) whittle down my fleet. Eventually, they were overwhelmed, but not before taking out the command station and a few guard posts.
As I type, my second fleet + transports is almost complete [yay for 10 space docks]. I will clear one more system, which I had previously 'neutered', so as to get a better launch point. I should also have 1 or 2 EMP missiles somewhere.
What would you guys recommend I do differently, this second time around? I have only 40 minutes XD