Author Topic: Question on Warp jammers  (Read 2011 times)

Offline Twister

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Question on Warp jammers
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:46:27 am »
So I'm playing my 80 planet map, and I see that I can take about 20 planets and then defend all of it through 3 choke points. But what would happen if I put jammers on them all, can the AI not send waves at me at all then? They wouldn't border me anywhere except the jammers. I'm wondering how I would get attacked if this is the case, and how the AI would deal with reinforcements if 0 planets are on alert. I'm wondering if it would just be better to put military command centers instead. I'm not quite sure how the jammers work. Is it possible to surround your home planet with jammers to make it unreachable?

Offline Kahuna

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Re: Question on Warp jammers
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 11:24:41 am »
Warp Jammer Command Stations have a ship cap of 5 so you can only build 5 of them. Warp Jammer just prevents the AIs from sending waves to that planet. Nothing else. If the AIs have no planets to send waves to the waves will spawn on a random AI planet adjacent to your planet (Announcement: "x AI y Enemy Ships to ? ? ?" in x:xx) . So you can't stop the AIs from sending waves.
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Offline Diazo

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Re: Question on Warp jammers
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 02:33:43 pm »
Warp Jammers do 2 things:

1) Prevent adjacent planets from going alert due to the presence of a human command stations and human units in the system the Warp Jammer is in.

2) Prevents the system from being targeted for waves when the AI sends attacks at you.

Note that AI units that directly check for adjacent human units (such as the Raid Engine) are not affected by the presence of a Warp Jammer. The Warp Jammer only prevents the 'alert' from happening, it does nothing to hide the presence of human units directly.

This also means that other mechanics, such as Threat or Exo-Waves can still enter your territory through a system with a warp jammer in it.

So, the Warp Jammer is anywhere from borderline overpowered to useless depending on  your map layout and lobby settings.

It is a reasonably frequent unlock of mine (about 20% of my games maybe?) so I do find it worthwhile pretty often.


Offline Tridus

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Re: Question on Warp jammers
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 08:59:02 pm »
Warp Jammer Command Stations have a ship cap of 5 so you can only build 5 of them. Warp Jammer just prevents the AIs from sending waves to that planet. Nothing else. If the AIs have no planets to send waves to the waves will spawn on a random AI planet adjacent to your planet (Announcement: "x AI y Enemy Ships to ? ? ?" in x:xx) . So you can't stop the AIs from sending waves.

Worth noting that if this happens, those AI ships become threat, and they'll mass up and come at you at some point. I did this deliberately one game (Fallen Spire on an X map, I had no choice at that planet and controlled everything behind it) and the AI let four waves happen then sent ALL of them at once.

It's always a good idea to leave one planet the AI has a warp gate next to, as they'll send all waves to that one planet.

Offline Cyborg

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Re: Question on Warp jammers
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 10:42:35 pm »
I think this would be helpful for folks that are playing deep strike games. I don't typically unlock these, but I can see why people would.
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Offline Twister

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Re: Question on Warp jammers
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2013, 09:05:14 pm »
thanks for the info! :)