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Out of Metal and Crystal - What To Do?

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hmmm, I seem to have put myself into a corner in my current game.  It's a catch-22, I have two planets but in my battles have managed to use up all my metal and crystal (both are at 1).  Energy is fine (81,700).  The AI managed to ravage my two planets and kill most of my mines.  I beat them back and then went to rebuild the mines.  But since my metal and crystal = 1, no mines are being built.  I tried to delete several power stations, but it only helped a little.

I took a third planet, but again I cannot build any mines.

My current readings:
metals -416/s=120-536  (2 unused), crystal -576/s = 120-698 (1 unised)

Am I screwed or is there something I'm missing?

Shut down any reactors that aren't required right now, that will minimize wasted resources. There's no need to delete them.

There's most likely such a heavy drain on your resources because you're attempting to build so many mines at once. If you pause construction of some of the mines, more resources will be diverted towards the construction of the remaining mines. This will allow you to complete the mines in the more important locations quickly.

You're not out of the game yet, but it sounds like a tough situation. Good luck!

Honestly unless you have way too many power plants running, you should be able to recover(note that power plants pull crystal and metal constantly--with mkII plants being the most efficient and mkIII the least efficient).  First thing to do is set as many powerplants as you can into low power mod(no need to scrap them, low power has the same effect).  Furthermore, if you can do so without worrying about enemies, you can always set all(or at least most) of your ships into low powermode to cut down on energy costs even further.

2nd, turn off(low power) all of your docks/constructors.

3rd, build only a few harvesters at a time(since crystal harvesters take metal, and metal harvesters take crystal).  If you have more building than what your income can support, it will take longer for them all to finish, rather than having some come online and start providing income. Again, if you have already queued them up, just pause them, rather than scrapping them.

It sounds like you might have some other buildings in the process of building as well, if thats true, set those in low power while you get the harvesters back up.

Appreciate the replies, helped a lot  ;D

I set most of my power stations to low power (totally missed that option) and turned off my Space Docks.  At least building has resumed.  Thanks

Also look at the power use of your ships: e.g. parasites use 400 energy each and engineers use 5000 or so.


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