Author Topic: Nebula base production spikes  (Read 1274 times)

Offline Aquohn

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Nebula base production spikes
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:28:35 am »
While I can appreciate the rationale behind boosts in the waves from nebula starbases, but I think it needs quite a bit of tweaking. As it stands, it is possible for me, in the Epsilon Eridani Remnant scenario, to destroy everything except the last starbase while retaining all 6 of my bases, then engage in a long, drawn-out, draggy half-hour battle which ends in three of the EEr bases being destroyed (and my homeworld nearly being swamped by Mark IVs two hours in, but that's another story). Don't you think that's just a teeny bit imbalanced?
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Or is that "to kill"?  Hmm.

Offline Faulty Logic

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Re: Nebula base production spikes
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 11:42:33 am »
It shouldn't take half an hour if set to normal combat style. Waiting for allied bomber pulses and covering them with shields is an effective tactic.

But you should expect the fight to continue even after you knock out all the small bases. It is even quite possible to lose against a single enemy large base, because the devs didn't want a victory to be inevitable at any point.
If warheads can't solve it, use more warheads.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Nebula base production spikes
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 11:48:39 am »
Yea, I was trying to make it not snowball in your favor.  Otherwise the challenge of the scenario evaporates after the first few enemy bases go down, unless you've lost a similar number of bases.
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Offline TechSY730

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Re: Nebula base production spikes
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 03:58:31 pm »
Yea, I was trying to make it not snowball in your favor.  Otherwise the challenge of the scenario evaporates after the first few enemy bases go down, unless you've lost a similar number of bases.

I think what the OP is saying is that you may have pushed it too far in the other direction; you are punished for taking on the "optional" small bases first with extreme "difficulty" due to grindiness once only the large base is left.
Yea, I get that there shouldn't be a "snowball" effect, but it is just fustrating and annoying if the opposite occurs, or sometimes even if there is no net change in "difficulty".

BTW, what version are you on Aquohn? This "reverse snowball" effect was pretty bad when Light of the Spire first came out, but the latest versions make it much more reasonable (though it still is there a bit too much IMO).

Offline Aquohn

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Re: Nebula base production spikes
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 09:02:43 am »
The latest one. Really, really annoying (and I am playing on normal. Maybe I just suck or something, but it seems that the bomber pulses get eradicated by either the surge of enemies or the starbase itself before they get in range and stop to fire).

Victory *is* inevitable when you've ground it down to a large starbase. It's just a long, draggy and grindy inevitable victory that makes me lose my reward :(.
Arcen in Summary:
thank you so much, RNG
It aims to please!

Or is that "to kill"?  Hmm.