I'm still working on strategies, as I have trouble with 7/7 still. 200+ hours played, and I still haven't even tried out all of the bonus ships or technologies
(and on that note, I love this game!).
How many planets do you normally take?
Varies greatly--I've taken as few as 18, and as many as 35 (80 planet map). I've had more luck on the low end of that number, at least until I tried out FS (which I enjoy greatly!).
What planets have top priority?
To Cap: Planet Next to Homeworld > ARS > Advanced Factory > Valuable Fab, CSG > Valuable Chokepoint > Path Through Empire
To Raid: Raid Engine > Munitions Booster (if the enemy is build up too much) > Data Center > Coprocessor
FS Shards depend on the game...my first FS game, I took every planet to the shard. My current one, I am raiding them as much as possible to keep AIP low until I want to up the ante.
How high a priority is scouting?
Moderately high. I try to have a sentry on every border world to track threat and the AI homeworlds (when possible...it was really easy when I was still playing with Spirecraft Medium
), and clear as many Tachyon Guardians as I can to get a look. Once I see a planet, I am unlikely to keep a scout on it unless I will be attacking it or a neighboring planet.
What techs do you always/sometimes unlock?
Tech II triangle and Grav Is I almost always unlock. Turrets II depending on the game (FS or Enclaves). Harvester IIs and IIIs if I need an econ boost. Considering EMP mines now that I found out about line placement (Thank you Keith!!!).
What are your favorite golems/spirecraft?
Unlike most, I like a lot of the Spirecraft. I've found good use for Martyrs, Scouts, Jumpships, Penetrators, and Attritioners. Golems, I like Botnet and Hive, but I haven't tried them all yet. I've actually had both disabled for a few games--I didn't want to leave them at Medium, but I didn't feel like paying the Exo cost either.
How do you crack an Eye? A raid engine? A homeworld?
I take out Eyes with either Raids, or a balanced group of starships. I will probably try Enclave swarming with the Ion Eyes and Parasite Eyes, but I haven't yet. Raid Engines get Raid Starships, usually. Homeworlds get almost everything. If I am using Spirecraft or Golems, I would Penetrator or Artillery the posts. Depending on the game, I might try neutering both worlds before going for the kill, thus reducing the backlash from the AIP increase and Mark V threat ships (haven't yet tried Avengers).
What tactics do you use defensively and offensively?
Depends greatly on my unlocks. For Offense:
If I have Gravity Drains, Spiders, or a good, long range bonus: Riot kiting with Frigates and the bonus ship.
If I have a good Stealth Ship: clear Tachyon Guardians and then use them to trim the painful planets.
If I have a Neinzul Youngling: CLOAKED CARRIER OF DEATH!!! Unlock a few Mark II Turrets for the drones. Raid the Tachyon Guardian at entry. Run Enclaves into the planet under cloak. Group+FRD the Enclaves and Cloakers to a relatively safe location, then unpause them. Laugh as the drones and Neinzul start trashing the place, then bring in my main fleet. The Neinzul/Drones eat up a lot of attention (even Ion Cannons!), so my main fleet takes very few losses. If it looks like the enemy is heading for the Enclaves, I pause them and move them and the Cloakers.
If I have a fast, standard ship: Blob with Fighters and Bombers.
Defense is probably my greatest weakness. I'm still working on a good setup. Here's what I do so far:
Keep entry points as low as possible.
Prevent enemies from leaving my planets, if possible.
Keep Mercs at the homeworld, ready to defend it or assist other nearby planets.
Do you gate-raid?
Sometimes. Like defense, I'm still playing around with that
How much hacking do you do and what kind?
SuperTerminal, if it is available. I've done a little K-hacking, but that is not common for me. I haven't yet hacked an ARS (for me, all of the picks are usually pretty good or pretty bad. Otherwise, I would hack it).
What are your favorite fleetships?
Still trying a bunch out. Blade Spawners, Gravity Drains, Nanoswarms, Vultures, and Space Planes are among my favorites. I want to try out Tractor Platforms...'threat tractoring' looks like it could be fun ^_^
Which, if any, starships do you use?
I use everything that is already unlocked (no reason not to!). However, many of those stay on defense, depending on my enemy. On offense, I typically use Raid, Riot, and Flagships. I haven't fully tried out the 'new' Starships (plan to do a full Starship game once I have enough time to do an AAR for it).