Author Topic: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment  (Read 2109 times)

Offline soMe_RandoM

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AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« on: July 09, 2010, 10:12:17 pm »
well idea is to leave an gap big enought to not cause AI ships to telliport as the exit is covered by worm hole.
then they just stuck untill they target the force feild by that time they are damaged and killed.
AI War - even the smallest units can make all the difference no matter how weak they are still quite capable of taking the hits. if it can Kill and receive damage then it worth its time other wise if it cant kill and cant take the damage for the higher surviving ships then it is worthless.

Offline x4000

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 10:28:48 pm »
That would probably work really well. You could also try a variant with gravity turrets.
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Offline soMe_RandoM

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2010, 05:29:55 am »
Grav turrets to stop the few that exscape through the force feilds that awsome. i would see players doing that with lots of P.Stars :D
AI War - even the smallest units can make all the difference no matter how weak they are still quite capable of taking the hits. if it can Kill and receive damage then it worth its time other wise if it cant kill and cant take the damage for the higher surviving ships then it is worthless.

Offline Spymine

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2010, 08:26:59 am »
at the first glance this looks like a nice idea - but then you have never been target of a wave with 1500 bombers and 250 electro shuttles, all of them Mark V - the bomber go through your force fields like soldering iron through butter since they only have ONE target - the force field ahead of them - and since you cant kill all the shuttle in one go (well - if you have all your electro turrets at ONE warp point this might work - but who does such a thing) they will fry all your turrets in the near vicinity ;-)

Offline Fox Soul

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 04:21:30 pm »
if you have all your electro turrets at ONE warp point this might work - but who does such a thing)


While playing with multiple players its easy to have a large enough ship cap if you work together when placing turrets to cover all your entrances into your HUMAN territory.

Ether way, I try to a funnel enemies into my planets and using my "A Good Defense is a Good Offense" link to take care of those pesky waves when they begin to get too large.
I try funneling them by having all planets around my territory empty and having only one AI planet being a direct neighbor making the regular waves coming only from that planet no matter what, unless you have a backdoor hacker.

If you do have a few paths going to AI planets then you may want to buff up those other planets for cross-planet attack.
No planets on the edge of your territory should have nothing.
AI War - A good offense is a good defense.

Offline Spymine

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2010, 01:21:29 pm »
so in other words you are admitting you are not doing an efficient warp point defense  ;) according to my experience you should be able to effectively cover 3 warp points with your set of turrets plus trader items
but then - if your strategy works why should you improve it  8)

Maybe someone could make up a thread where everyone sketches his most efficient warp point defence configuration against like 2000 ships (with pictures and without using ALL his or her turrets ;) )

Offline superking

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2010, 03:17:45 pm »
it is best to just keep one planet as your wave receiver; then you can fill it out to the absolute max and never worry about waves

Offline Spymine

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2010, 04:04:00 pm »
i fully agree BUT even in a snake level i could never put all my turrets on one planet - if i want to move my chokepoint farther down the chain i have to keep the old defence point to kill off incoming waves, build a new defence point equal as strong as my old and build another defence against backflooding ships - i dont have the luxury of having only one defence point (if i advance more than 10 planets - with a slower advance yes but then i wouldnt have finished by now)

since you are playing simple maps you wouldnt tell me that there is only one ingress point into your conquered area, right? cpas should arrive from different directions in a simple map if it doesnt look like a snake and then it would not be smart to put all eggs in one basket.

and basically my answer was concerned with efficiency - why take 600 turrets when 120 can do the same job. in addition i was trying to entice him about making his defence better and not put all his trust into forcefields ;) he can do better but he has to experiment more to find out what is missing..... 

Offline Fox Soul

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2010, 05:09:02 pm »
I would imagine the main way to be able to stretch out your defenses while keeping them able to take out 2000 ships is by unlocking all the tiers of the turrets you have chosen.
This way the more powerful turrets can replace couple and maybe some of the lower tier turrets.

Also like you said, my strategy is easy to do on simple and snake maps.
But there are parts on complex maps where the planets funnel into one hub making it a primary defensive target.
With the blackhole machine being sold by the trader and 90% of the time friends want it active, I am not really worried about deleting turrets deeper in my territory to shove them all in "one basket."
AI War - A good offense is a good defense.

Offline Spymine

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2010, 05:27:56 am »
where to start  ;)

first - you are not putting all your eggs in one basket since you are playing with friends. only if they too put all their turrets on the same planet as you we have a (for me) troubling situation
this brings me to my second point - if only your turrets cover the warp point then my previous deduction holds true that is impossible for you to wipe out a wave of mark v and iv ships including bombers and electro shuttles instantly  8)

and finally third - if you dont wipe em out instantly just having forcefields there to contain the ships for your aoe turrets will lead to a very short and painful experience in the area of turning high value installations into scrap metal (but thats just my 2 cents)

anyway just to clarify this for future replies - yes, i think forcefields are necessary for a warp point defence BUT not on their own. some_randoms idea is not bad but ff only will not work (at least for me using 3.172)

and everybody replying was avoiding to say something concerning efficiency - i know that the game is not about micro management but totally ignoring efficient placement of your assets will not make the game easier - but feel free to prove me wrong :)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 06:44:14 am by Spymine »

Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2010, 07:05:39 am »
everybody knows : focusing turrets on one area is hazardous

also , i don't think containing Enemy ships with a Forcefield is a good idea , anything can just blow that Forcefield before you know what hit you , add this with the fact that Forcefields block 70% of the damage of allied Shots coming through , and you got a horrible defense , so no to Forcefield Containing

Offline soMe_RandoM

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 04:24:48 am »
at the first glance this looks like a nice idea - but then you have never been target of a wave with 1500 bombers and 250 electro shuttles, all of them Mark V - the bomber go through your force fields like soldering iron through butter since they only have ONE target - the force field ahead of them - and since you cant kill all the shuttle in one go (well - if you have all your electro turrets at ONE warp point this might work - but who does such a thing) they will fry all your turrets in the near vicinity ;-)
no i haven't at that stage nothing can save you D: but for small waves of 1000 mrk 2 ships it all right as all 1000 ships get damage all at once X fleet size so it all good up to when you get up to large AI progress as you said D:
AI War - even the smallest units can make all the difference no matter how weak they are still quite capable of taking the hits. if it can Kill and receive damage then it worth its time other wise if it cant kill and cant take the damage for the higher surviving ships then it is worthless.

Offline Spymine

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2010, 07:39:12 am »
ok - but i just wanted to point you the right way. atm your formular is:

aoe weapons + forcefield containment

i was trying to say in a roundabout way it should be:

aoe weapons + forcefield containment + X

in my games i found a way to minimize losses by using this X. your job now would be to find out what this X stands for if you expect to face waves with higher mark technologies. my replies were just centered around your formular being incomplete  ;)

Offline soMe_RandoM

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Re: AOE weapons + forcefield Containment
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 05:29:15 am »
yes it was
AI War - even the smallest units can make all the difference no matter how weak they are still quite capable of taking the hits. if it can Kill and receive damage then it worth its time other wise if it cant kill and cant take the damage for the higher surviving ships then it is worthless.


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