I'd imagine it'd be dominated with usage of transports, and much of the gameplay will revolve around the denying and protection of the economy (particularly harvestors). Since scouts are so powerful (reveal whole planet) and are likely to be hard to deny (hard to kill due to speed, cloak, and hiding on the outer reaches of planets, and easy to replace even if killed), the players will likely know almost everything that is going on with their opponents.
Ship choice would be dominated by faster or teleporting ships, and stealthy ones. Slow ships will only be useful when used with transports. Transports will be denied using grav turrets.
If it's a small map where the players are close (within 3 hops), both players would start with stealthy, quick ships to try to take out the opponent's economy. If the game moves past that phase (and I would imagine most games won't), both players would guard their wormholes better against these types ships (tachyon beams and/or grav turrets), which will lead to the transporting-in of raid troops. After that phase, a sneaky transport full of bombers and the like right into the home planet would be the easiest way to finish the game. It'll likely be a low-tech game and so harassment, micromanagement of troops and positioning will decide it.
A bigger map would be more interesting since it'll be more macro-intensive. The first phase would have both players expanding heavily into neutral planets while sending scouts to all opposing planets to figure out how quickly the opponent is moving. The 'first contact' will be intense: if one player is caught off-guard, I think it'd be very likely that he/she would quickly get steamrolled by the prepared player since their infrastructure would be mostly geared towards the economic game. So the player who transitions into the midgame at the right time will have the advantage.
If both players are equally skilled then this is likely to move to a higher tech war. Depending on how 'open' the map is, on a snakey or similarly closed off map, it will turn into a very defensive battle as both players tower up key choke points, making it akin to WW1 trench warfare, or on a more open map like realistic or hubs, it will instead be an entertaining open game where static defences on most planets are a waste of money because there are just so many entrances. Then it becomes a war of denying the opponent's economy until you can land the killing blow(s) using raid starships, cloaker starships, teleporters, nukes or a combination thereof.