1. It's very fast. The ships instantly move from one to the other, but they have to fade out fully and fade back in fully before they can do any shooting or be shot at. So that fading takes a bit of extra time, a couple of seconds I think.
2. See above. They have to be faded fully in first. And depending on the load on the targeting throttles, it may be longer -- there's no set time. If you have lots of ships of the exact same type, they'll often fire faster than if you have a few ships of many types, thanks to the throttle sharing.
3. They have to be faded in first, again see #1. But also there is a throttle on tractor beam checks, but that is separate from the attack throttle and similar. It's very fast, typically, once the ships are faded in, but it can be slower depending on what is going on with the tractor throttles.
4. That depends on how far the ships have teleported, primarily. The longer a distance they teleported, the longer their momentary paralysis. You also have to take into account the attack targeting throttles once again, which can slow it down even further. Generally when ships teleport, they have a slight disadvantage directly upon coming out of teleportation.
5. It's actually instant, but the ships take a bit of time to fade in, as with coming out of a wormhole. The three fighters that come through actually come through when the timer reads 1, not 0. Those are there to "cook off" any lightning turrets and similar that are there, causing them to then miss the main body of the incoming wave.
6. Count and see, I don't recall. It's a couple of seconds, nothing huge.
Great questions, in the main.