What are really some good uses of the warbird overall in this game that you've found, it hits pretty hard, speed is good, but uses, i find myself hard to place with just being able to build 3 of them. But, the other, the shot absorber with the hp, holy frack is it amazing! It does go down fast under fire overall, but makes a super shield for approaching with massive units or multi-shot types and having your pricey units make it out just peachy. (I dont recall the name though, I think it had decoy or something in the name) but dang, i loved it, and i found it right nextjump to an ai homeworld, (and make taking the place a breeze, i lost maybe 200 ships with them shutting down the capital ships and turrets. Darn you sniper turrets!) But how big is the range overall they cover? and any advice if layering them is a good idea?