Thanks a lot for answering people!
Right off I'd like to mention that I havent bought any expansion as of yet (So I dont have any neinzul thinge) , if I keep enjoying this game so much, I'll totally do it.
Back to the cutlasses, I guess they worked out pretty well on my games because I'm against a Sledge Hammer, (Easy guy) and the standard difficulty. I didn't really find any particular weakness against fleet ships (Looking at their stats I deduced that they should win a cap vs cap against fighters) I'll be the only Vorticular cutlass fan xD.
I also want to post the game I am in right now. I'd like some feedback and stuff here, so I dont clutter the forums with another thread (If any mod thinks I am doing things wrong, feel free to do something)
Difficulty 8/7.3 Entrenched Homeworlder, Turtle
80 Planet map
Available ships: Complex
Bonus Ship: Armor Ship.
Game Options:
All default
AI Options:
2 AIP every 240 minutes
Techs: Econ Station Mark II (4.000)
Mark II of all fleet ships, scouts too(10.500)
Spire Starship Mark I, Flagship and Bomber Starship mark II (2.500)
Scout Starship Mark II (250)
P0: Nothing of importance
P1: Neutered + Gate raided
P3: Neutered Planet (Except for the barracks), the one not bordering one of my planets has a Core Laser Gatling Constructor.
P4: Advanced Starship Fat
P5: Data center
P8: South: Core Bomber Starship Constructor, Core Tank Constructor North: Core Leech Starship + Core parasites (Oh sweet irony!).
P9: All Advanced Fats, except for one on the western Mark IV planet [Has an ARS (Damn, they are faaaar away!
)] The eastern one is a core.
Mini game: Find the Whipping boy!
I've been doing lots of scouting with the scout starships and fleet ones, thats why the time is so high compared with the amount of planets I took (I know I should do multiple things at a time, but I like to do stuff when I know where everything is). Also, i'm kind of turtle anyway
A plan to follow is ussually something I really struggle in, What would you do?
Thanks in advance!