Author Topic: Can I Go Over my Ship Limit if my Ally Gives me Ships?  (Read 1384 times)

Offline Relee

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Can I Go Over my Ship Limit if my Ally Gives me Ships?
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:57:38 am »
I'm playing a game with a couple of friends. One is playing a hero ship, the other a regular player, and I'm a regular player. I want to assemble an elite raid group under my control to take care of a planet with a Raid Eye, and it occured to me that it would be very useful to have my ally create raid ships up to their limit, and give them to me, so that I have twice my limit. Would this work? And if so, is it possible to use this to cheat, allowing him to create another set up to his max and give them to me? Or do the gifted ships remain on his 'payroll' as it were?

I tried to look this up in the wiki but I couldn't find any details about giving ships. If it's on there, I'd appreciate a link, so that I can read all the rules and such myself. Thank you!

Offline LordSloth

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Re: Can I Go Over my Ship Limit if my Ally Gives me Ships?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 12:00:16 pm »
Nope. However.... look under the  CTRL menu (bottom left of the main game view) for Team Control.