Well, you also get them on either Hard Golems or Hard Spirecraft, I'm not sure which is being used here. But yea, they're supposed to be pretty hard. Though I'm a bit surprised at this comment because all the other recent negative comments I've heard on their difficulty (that I remember right now) were of the form "Hard is actually easier than Medium", so I certainly haven't been looking to decrease their challenge.
Anyway, the golem/spirecraft waves are "charged" by AIP, so keep an eye on that. The Fallen-Spire ones are not related to AIP.
I was one to state that. It has to be seen in a certain context though.
When I want to max out my fleet, spirecraft/golems on medium make you break you economic backbone, as you drain every last bit of energy using them. Combined with the financial impact it could leave you with a fleet you cant use all at the same time while you also dont have the resources to fight an 'expendable war'.
In that regard, -hard- is easier than -medium- as on hard to just have to get that huge fleet back home and do some gate-raiding to keep the inlets for exo-waves to a minimum and you have enough firepower to stop the exowaves dead in their tracks, AND also much more firepower during the neutering of planets (the last bit makes it 'overall' easier, when you get past the exo-waves .. but once you get the hang of it you can 'guide' those).
The best defense for exo-waves is a rolling, or layered, defense. Since you don't exactly where the wave will hit, you can't park your fleet expecting to hit them right at the start. There is a delay. and for late games you simply can't get enough units in the right place sometimes. If you intentionally don't fight hard for the first world hit, but fight hard the world after, you can buy enough time to let your own major fleet meet up and fight back.
I couldnt disagree more with that (I have 2 cents!
). The best defence is an as most concentrated defence as possible, imo. Get a fort, armor-stuff, golems, spirecraft and see if you can get that exo-wave to cross that planet that has all that on it.
Play a bit with gateraiding, each exo-wave will tell you just a little how you could guide it, effectivly allowing you to expand while the bulk of the exo-waves
always hit that massivly reinforced front. It may take a few waves to concentrate it properly, but thats trivial as these waves get increasingly tougher as you see more of them, so the first few should not be that much of an issue (in general), where later ones could stomp you if you're not carefull.
Alright, by the looks of it I'll have to give it another go. Still, I wonder if 20+ Massive AI ships will ever be stoppable by any defense. I mean, I would like to hear other players remarks on that.
I seem to have deleted the screenshots but I posted about a game FS-game I played, where I took each and every planet on a 120 planet map before I took the AIs homeplanets. I let the exact number be a surpise to you but it will surelly be a wee bit larger than 20 massive ships
if you're really concerned try starting the game with zenith polarizers.. theyre absolute death on the really tough stuff. ^^
They are cool, personally I like the Vultures (iirc) more. They also work vs fleetship and such
Exos are definitely beatable, but you need a nice giant toolbox of responses, and you need to know which response is the correct one, and when. People never seem to use Implosion Artillery, but when it comes down to dealing with golems these things are pretty much your best friends. On the other hand, for those waves where it's a pile of little ships and two implosion artillery, I'd much rather have a giant fleet of siege towers.
I would have agreed with you for a 100%, before I tried rams. Implosion Arties do an awesome job if you can let the target stick around for some time, which doesnt tend to be the case when you get hit by (multiple) armored golems. Rams near a gate will eat up Golems in no-time, you just need to keep them away from the frag untill the very last second or they get shot or autotarget the first starship they spot.
Edit: end of edits...