General Category > AI War Classic - Strategy Discussion
AI War "Tip of the Day" -- What do you wish you'd known?
Good point, my tiny brain had not thought about that yet :), all I was thinking about was how to preserve turrets, I guess on lower levels waves are rarely strong enough to take down a turret
There are hotkeys you can set for "load ships onto transports" and "special unload".
The load command makes everything you've currently selected hop into whatever transport they can, prioritizing nearby ones, but if there's enough space they'll find one somewhere. No more micro!
The special unload lets you unload SPECIFIC ships. Click once to unload one, ctrl for five, alt for all. Yay, now you can select your whole fleet and unload all the bombers! Or only the MkII+ to deal with an ion cannon. Or only one of your colony ships. Etc.
All of a sudden, transports are a joy instead of a pain, and using them to get things routinely from point A to point B feels much more natural.
Military command stations do not grant all your units 100% fire under shields, only themselves....
turret remains do not count against turret caps. this bit me in the butt a little on a planet that had both a grav drill and a log station as i was frantically slam-building closer defenses as the outer defenses got overrun. A few remains re-builders on the outer defenses had somehow survived and went about doing their job thereby resulting in seemingly magic cap depletion.
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