Raid starships should be good against the forcefield on the home ai planet, too, but they will need fleet support -- the best ships to attack with of course depend on what is waiting on that home planet. One thing you will definitely want, however is high level bombers. Mkiii and mkiv will do best at taking out the fortress that is waiting there, along with the home command station itself, which will require a sustained attack to kill. A quick raid won't have much effect on the home command station itself because it has something like 23m health. So even if you bring many high level bombers, once you crack the force field and fortress do be prepared to support your bombers for a few minutes while they do their thing. Meanwhile, the ai will definitely react to that, so having reinforcements of your own on the way as they work is often wise.
Finally, do note that killing ai home command stations ups the ai progress by 100. So when you kill the first, the second one gets that much harder (and, as with human players in co-op, no ai player is ever "out" early -- both sides win or lose as a team). So, what that means is, the closer together you can kill them in succession, if that is possible in your current map situation, the easier it will be. Generally that is quite hard to orchestrate, but I thought I would put it out there. Just don't expect it to get easier after you kill the first home command station; it only gets harder as you go, unlike other rts games. When the first ai loses it's home planet, watch out for core ships released from that planet as threat -- I have seen that end games when they slip through to YOUR home command station without the player noticing. And then just be steady for an even more epic battle with that second ai home planet. If you resort to nukes for some other non-core planets, you be looking at ai progress of 650 or more by then.
Good luck!