Random initial things, in no particular order - .sav files seem to have somewhat gotten associated with dota2. Keith, will opening a .sav file by dragging it into the aiwar executable actually work? (and if I'm not mistaken, if that works fine i should be able to just associate .sav with aiwar easily enough. Can we maybe just move to .ais or something silly? .aiwarfleetcommandsavefile! Yes!)
Loading this game actually required me to update to .009. apparently i havent updated in like forever..
You have 30k knowledge unspent... WHy exactly? Youve only had about 50k total, if my math is right.. so you spent virtually nothing?
There are actually three more datacenters in the universe. Take the time to pop those, else taking the homeworld will put you above mk2 waves.
It looks like there is only one advanced factory in your galaxy - what happened to the other one? (iirc there are always two). It snot that big of a deal, particularly with your bomber mk5 plant, but it can be really helpful with the number of fleet ships you can field.
I would highly recommend picking up your favorite fleetships to mk3, and possibly also flagships mk3. There is virtually no reason to be sitting on 30k knowledge - In a competitive rts, floating that many resources means you could have easily killed your enemy by now (completely random terrible comparison, but bear with me.)
Once you actually get tons of bombers out (a full cap of core bombers deals over 30million ALPHA strike to the core wrath post). Sending in waves of ships (ie, lots of fighters to detonate the gravity things, followed by bombers to deal damage to the wrath post) shouldnt be too difficult - Itll likely take a bit of time, but it should be doable. Id take the time to try it myself, but its fairly late here. Remember that flagships can DOUBLE the damage of nearby allies, making them really strong in a combined arms engagement.
Similarly, your zbombards are actually really good at damaging the wrath post - you may be able to micro them in and out of the wormhole between wrath cycles. (again, not sure about this, havent tried this specifically).
ANyway, primary points - Spend your knowledge. Bombers are excellent ships. Try to use some sort of tactics against the wrath post other than blobbing. An advanced factory would be nice.