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Reidquat Resistance

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--- Quote from: kjara on February 06, 2010, 08:54:30 am ---An etiquette point to make.  Please don't unlock techs that you don't use at all(pointing the finger at leech starships, mobile repair stations, grav turrets and exo-shields here).  The first half of my play period would have been much less painful if I'd had some of that 8.5k knowledge available.

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I was playing as if it was my game :)
I think i'll pick this up for my other hour, and put to use some of those! You'll see...

My point wasn't that I didn't want you to build leech starships, etc.  Its just why unlock them at the very start, and then never build them.  Leave the next guy some knowledge to play with rather than raiding most of the adjacent worlds and then spending it all.  I left the next guy enough knowledge to unlock something, but because I started with so little knowledge, I wasn't able to leave him much more than I started with.


--- Quote from: RCIX on February 06, 2010, 04:55:04 pm ---
--- Quote from: kjara on February 06, 2010, 08:54:30 am ---An etiquette point to make.  Please don't unlock techs that you don't use at all(pointing the finger at leech starships, mobile repair stations, grav turrets and exo-shields here).  The first half of my play period would have been much less painful if I'd had some of that 8.5k knowledge available.

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I was playing as if it was my game :)
I think i'll pick this up for my other hour, and put to use some of those! You'll see...

--- End quote ---

I'm with kjara on this point. I tend to hoard knowledge and use it only when needed. I guess you could say I primarily spend knowledge reactively instead of proactively. I'm sure both ways have their merits, but I rely on the ability to unlock something I need in response to a new threat or offensive strategy I need to employ.

I may jump in to this game later, if the opportunity presents itself.

I suppose that's a good point, though i DO plan to use them i just didn't in the time i had (maybe with a little mix of "i want other people to use the stuff i like too). That's generally the way i play....

Oh, and I tend to use at least some of what you unlocked, but not at the very start of the game.  For example, I don't unlock MRS until I have a decent sized group(usually after my 3rd or so planet taken)--the knowledge before that point is needed for offense so I can take planets before they get too entrenched and for turrets.  Grav turrets tend to make an appearance(if at all--they aren't needed every game of course) after 5 or 6 planets have been taken, etc.  It was just that none of them were needed yet in that game not that I'm against researching them at all.


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