Well, that's sad. I only got 1 person to respond
Weeeeell, if you want a game just add me on Xfire or Skype (Pandemic21), or hop on the Hamachi network.
So I'm thinking of trying to get some people together for this weekend and get a game going on... I think it would be helluva lot funner then just chillin here by myself, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one who thinks that way
So I know I'm busy a little bit this weekend, but I definately can find 10 hours between Friday night to Sunday to complete at least one game. If you're interested do post, and if you feel like it you can add me on Xfire (Pandemic21) or Skype (Pandemic21). All I request is that you throw in something about AI Wars in your friend requests
So, ya, feel free to send me some friend requests
. Maybe we can all hook up and get a big coop going this weekend