Author Topic: Setting up a game for the 2nd of June 8:00pm GMT  (Read 2588 times)

Offline thelonecarrot

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Setting up a game for the 2nd of June 8:00pm GMT
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:36:32 am »
Trying to get players together of any skill level so all our invited. Hoping to play once, maybe twice a week till victory. 2nd game time would hopefully be Wednesday at 9:00pm GMT though this isn't set in my mind.

1st A.I. level : 7
2nd A.I. level: 8

80 planet sized map
Map Type: Simple or Realistic
Game Type: Conquest

All Expansions is preferable

Ship Types: Complex
Combat type; Normal
Unit Cap: Normal
Visibility: Full Fog of War

Minor Factions: (if people want something different then the group can vote)


Human Resistence Fighters
Zenith Traders
Dyson Sphere
Hard Golems
Hard Spirecraft
Fallen Spire
Spire Civillian Leaders
Human Colony Rebellions
Zenith Devourer

AI plots:

Hybrid Hives

If interested message me here on the forums or reply to this topic. You can also contact through the steam group (Dalonecarrot). If the group actually fills up then the first responses I see will be chosen (wishfull thinking on my part).

Everything above is up for negotiation. I'm posting just to give an idea of what I'm looking for and perhaps to inspire some interest.