Author Topic: Newbie: Time for Co-Op  (Read 10409 times)

Offline Malchuth

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Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« on: September 02, 2014, 04:20:10 pm »

a player with all expensions, on steam, imac
now with 8.00X
sadly new with the version: by heavy impact / fighting it can be game issues. frozem game. never got that before in the last years.

i enjoyed this game so far for ca. 250 hours and i still love it. But i played always alone because my friends dont like such games. And to add, i mostly made conditions so i cant win. But the challenge is what i like. So, i would like to start some co-op games. Easy is way too easy and normal is very challanging as one player. Or i do something wrong. ^^.
But what time effort i should image for Co-Op? My usual game is so 24-36 hours. Before i loose - :-(

Its important for me for saying es or no. I dont want do drag other players down because of lack of time.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 04:31:24 pm by Malchuth »

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 04:57:27 pm »
You can look for other players that are inexperienced OR you could search for players that help you.
But I have to say with 250+ hours you should be pretty experienced at the game now.
Have you already won? If so, how many times?

From my point of view you are more than ready for Co-op, than again I don't think that a person could never be "ready". If you lack some experience you can always ask the more experienced players but that's just my opinion. Also since loosing is more or less part of the game no one will get mad at you because they loose.

Offline Malchuth

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 05:21:53 pm »
it may be, it may dont.

But what time amount i have to put in?
is a co-op game a saturday with at last 6 hours? a weekend with more as 10 hours? more less? what?


i win less enough

edit 2: typo

the typical for a typical player,
what inviroment, what planets and options. XD
sorry, only little suspection for co-op.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 02:59:04 pm by Malchuth »

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 05:53:18 pm »
Does depend on the map size, difficulty and of course your personal gameplay.
Co-op is not really faster as singleplayer except you play with people that play more aggressivaly and attack the AI early on. Than the game might llast not as long as a single player campaign.
You sould except 10 hours for a normal game. It might take more or it might take less, but I think 10 hours is a good point where to start.
However, like I said before, it depends on the size of your map. If you start with 20 planets the game won't last long but on the other side, playing with 20 planets is already hard as singleplayer, now imagine this in co-op where you have to split up the numper of planets towards the players.

You should start in co-op with 80 planets (default) to see how good you can be. If you notice that you have diificulties to split up the planets equally among your friends you should choose a bigger map but on 8ß planets this won't be actually an issue.

Expansions and minor factions should depend on what expansions the other players have. You will of course find more players with only the base game but you can for an example use ancient shadows, so one player can take the role of a champion where he only controls a champion ship without building a fleet. Thats for people that prefer a RPG experience over a strategic experience.
You shouldn't probably put all minor factions up if you play with players that you don't know well. It might scare them away if they never handeled for example devourer golems.
You also should ask if people want to play Fallen Spire. Since this is an entire story intigrated in normal game it affects the game heavily if you decide to finish the campaign. It also forces you to do some steps that you might have skipped (like conquering specific planets).

Offline Malchuth

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 01:30:48 pm »
Thank you. So in fact: co-op game is the same game as single player


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2014, 08:22:30 pm »
You also should ask if people want to play Fallen Spire.  ...It also forces you to do some steps that you might have skipped (like conquering specific planets).

Wrong question.  As them how far they want to go in Fallen Spire, and ask that when you are in the middle of a match and can see exactly what the game wants you to do for the next step.  Don't like the next step?  You can always stop at that point and use those giant capital ships to smash up the AI directly.  There's nothing preventing you from stopping at that first shipyard, or first outpost, or not building that first survey ship at all...

I'm interested in a 7/7 40-planet co-op game, but I'm generally busy on weekends and free on weekdays.

Offline Malchuth

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Re: Newbie: Time for Co-Op
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2014, 12:22:49 pm »
Yes and No,

my question was more general and i got what i wanted.
of course its different for every game and very different by a change of options for it.
my questions was: if there a different between single and multi players. so my question got answered. No.

its very different on single and multi player terms. but its the same difference to both. so i am glad.
and i know i have to learn more. XD. way more.
