Author Topic: New player looking for a teacher  (Read 2476 times)

Offline Lucius

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New player looking for a teacher
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:16:00 am »
Alright, so I have done the tutorials.
I have won the tutorials, more importantly.
I am an expert at TBS games and some RTS's, but AI War has me getting stuck at certain points.
Given my many failures at maintaining an actual game at any level above 6, I thought it would be good to search for someone who could maybe give me some pointers. Yes I have read many of the forum posts about strategy, but I think that I am missing some basic foundation.
Anyways my time is Central USA and I have Children of Neinzul and the Zenith Remnant.
Anyone up to it?

Offline TechSY730

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Re: New player looking for a teacher
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 06:00:09 pm »
Simple tip, blow up everything you can.  ;D

Okay, don't do that. That is a sure fire way to lose VERY fast.

However, although I do understand most of the game mechanics pretty well, I am not confident enough with my overall strategy to feel confident to teach. Even if I was, my availability to play online is too much in flux for me to commit to any sort of good "teaching sessions". So sorry, I don't feel ready to be a "player mentor".

However, feel free to ask any questions. There is a good chance I can answer it.  ;) And even if I can't there is most certainly someone else on these forums that can.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot. Welcome to the forums.  :)

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: New player looking for a teacher
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 06:14:17 pm »
I most certainly am, but I'm afraid my timezone is GMT+1. I'm usually only available in the evenings, which means morning / afternoon your time. occasionally I'm around during the day too so maybe that's when we can play.
I don't know if you use steam? my steam name is zoutzakje in case you do. Also, voice chat is a must for coop in my opinion so skpe or msn or something similair is ideal for that ^^
nowadays I usually play on dif 7/7 and succesfully too :P so we could try that. I'm not a pro (far from it), but I know my way around in this game. So we can help eachother out =)
Well, let me know if you're up for it and if yes, what times you can play and if you use steam / skype / msn.



Offline zoutzakje

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Re: New player looking for a teacher
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 06:17:01 pm »
Simple tip, blow up everything you can.  ;D

Okay, don't do that. That is a sure fire way to lose VERY fast.

However, although I do understand most of the game mechanics pretty well, I am not confident enough with my overall strategy to feel confident to teach. Even if I was, my availability to play online is too much in flux for me to commit to any sort of good "teaching sessions". So sorry, I don't feel ready to be a "player mentor".

However, feel free to ask any questions. There is a good chance I can answer it.  ;) And even if I can't there is most certainly someone else on these forums that can.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot. Welcome to the forums.  :)

well, just playing together and learning to co-operate can be very helpfull and educative too ^^
and more importantly, a lot of fun ^^