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The times sound good to me - I am on EST like Thud13.1400 EST Saturday? Should be able to make it for at least an hour to 2 hours (I start dinner cooking around 1530/1600 EST).The options sound pretty good, I personally tend to disable Astro Trains - they may be intended to be a pain in the butt but it goes a little beyond that when they take out defenses with a wave incoming :/. What type of map were you thinking? Simple, Simple Hubs, Realistic, Realistic Hubs?Also - what version of the game? Vanilla or pre-release? (I think everyone might be up to speed [at 2.6/3.0] with auto-updates version wise by Saturday, but you never know). I don't have the expansion and can't yet get it (discretionary funds are being redirected towards bills this month) - if everyone else will be playing expansion though then I will just bow out and wait for another game w/o expansion.