Author Topic: Existing Games Looking for players  (Read 2929 times)

Offline Grok

  • Newbie Mark III
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  • Posts: 30
Existing Games Looking for players
« on: November 01, 2009, 03:03:45 pm »
Hello All

I am very new, and the multiplayer system for this game is severely limited in hop-on hop off aspect and therefore requires some coordination on our part. I've figured out that you go into IRC chat, etc., but how about we get a sticky post for getting into new games for multiplayer.

Please reply with as much of the following information as you feel comfortable:

Game type
IP address
Play time
Contact info (for requesting permission to join)
Voice chat method (skype, teamspeak, vent etc.,)
Number of players already there.

Hopefully this will be a nice recruitment tool for us all.

See you on the killing fields
