Hey raptor,
192.168.x.x is a local network adress. That means it is an adress that can only be accessed by computers connected locally to your network.
I am going out on a limb and guess that you have a router. This router has an external IP adress (which does start with something else then 192.168.x.x). What a router does, is allowing the computers in you local network (your familys computers or your many many computers
or maybe just the one) to access the internet with only one outside line. To achieve this, the router creates a local network (i am guessing the routers adress is or and all requests to the outside internet are sent out by the router and routed back to the computer where the request came from.
For IP games over the internet you will have to install a port forwarding on your router, so that the router knows to send everything that arrives at a certain port on your outside IP adress (for arguments sake to your computer (which then is locally In case you did not understand that, maybe it is better to try Hamachi than to mess around with the routers settings.
The topic for Hamachi is found here:
http://arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,101.0.htmlHamachi is a VPN (virtual private network). This means, that for all practical purposes (that is security and network settings), you will be part of a local network. This also means, that you are exposing your computer to the other computers participating, which is not a bad thing as long as you trust the other members of the group. Just be aware, that your router, which usually acts as a first firewall, will be bypassed for security reasons and windows has lower security (unless you changed the settings) for local area networks.
I hope this is somehow coherent, but if you still need help try the Tech support forum, there the real pros hang out who can give better advice