Fearing that I have become reliant on superweapons, I decide to do this one with no alien minor factions.
AIs : Alarmist and Special Forces Captain, 10 difficulty, no plots.
Schizophrenic, of course.
Map: 60 planets Lattice 1189218187
Starting ship: Zenith Bombard. I heard this described as "fleetship king of the alpha strike" and was intrigued.
Minor Factions:
Marauders 4
Resistance 4
Colony Rebellions 6
Okay, every planet I take is going to be a project against the Alarmist. The spec force alarm posts may cause "Fun" when combined with the Spec Forces captain.
The map has many, many wormhole connections, so I will have a hard time defending. However, it makes it easier to run a low-AIP game.
Initial plan: take only ten planets (5 ARS, 1 Advanced Factory, 1 each of CDE CSGs, and one Rebel Colony), deal with Alarm posts without popping them, and use the extra DCs to kill the AI in its sleep (how else do you kill a Doom?).
First waves are repelled with riots/fleetships mk 1. I put up anti-drifter turrets, but there is no way I can repel a wave with just them (Or rather, I prefer to use the turrets for drifter immunity everywhere, and use the fleet to kill waves).
I think Z Bombards are my new second-favorite fleetship. They are like mini siege starships. Nothing will however, ever displace Shield Bearers from the #1 spot. They let me beat 10/10 for the first time.
Unlock Scout IIs and see what's what. I can scout up to four hops away without transports.
Only 1 DC and one Co-p within four hops. Grumblegrumble.
A CSG-D right next to me with no alarm posts next to it will be my first conquest, after I pop the DC.
Only 1 ARS and 1 C-CSG (Core Bombers) in my scouting radius. They are next to each other, so I will probably take them next. But the ARS has thirteen wormholes, most of which I haven't scouted. This will be tricky.
Unlocked and built all four fleetships mkII. (2500 k left)
Then I:
Popped the DC, dealt with released threat.
Took the D-CSG world. The spec force post is on a metal asteroid. How annoying.
Zapped the two enemy planets next to mine. (kill all ships and non-wh guardposts)
Unlocked Spire SSs mkII and Zenith SSs mkI. (1000 k left)
Repelled a pathetic cpa (<200 ships).
Built the full SS fleet except for enclaves.
Carved a tachyon-free pathway to the core bomber fabricator.
Zapped the alarm post worlds around the core bomber fabricator.
Took the core bomber fabricator.
Dealt with the 400 or so ships released from alarms and a spec alarm.
By the time I finish my cap of bomber Vs, It is about 4.5 hours into the game.
Most of the above was tedious and slow, especially constructing the SSs without any economic upgrades. That is what Netflix is for.
Once the situation stabilized, I sent out another wave of scouts. Four worlds around the ARS have alarm posts, and the ARS world itself has a spec alarm. Spend about an hour zapping the alarm post worlds. The ARS has Teleport Battlestations/Laser Gatlings/Teleport Raiders. Nice, I always wanted to try the telestations.
187 ships massing for a cross-planet attack. Snort. But I should wait for the cpa and hunt down threat before taking anything. I do it with no problem.
I I finally took the ARS.
I almost lost the bomber fabricator to the counterattacks, but no lasting harm was done.
Unlock and build riot IIs. Have I mentioned riots are awesome in this AAR yet? I don't think I have.
Riots are awesome.
Another wave of scouting reveals DCs galore. 7 of them in the NW area of the galaxy. Also another co-p, and two archives (next to each other, hmm). Also found another Co-p and a Superterminal (double hmm). However, I was unable to get to the HW.
Also revealed are two ARSs, one with a beam starship fab, the other with both Exp. Engineers (I want those. So badly.) and Grenade Vs.
I also sent some scouts in a transport east. They found an ARS five hops away.
The plan is to take the NW ARSs, then move to the east end of the galaxy. The problem is that there is no world worth taking within four hops in that direction. I may just eat the deepstrike to capture the ARS, but I hope a colony will rebel on one of the intervening worlds, thus justifiying its capture.
I am also debating taking the archives for a total of 24000 k (well, 19000 after I buy warp jammers), and whether to hack the ST with a floor factor of 1/3, or to just knowledge hack.
I love all the choices I have to make. I also really like playing against the Alarmist. It feels even more like I am an insurgent.
I think:
Special Forces Captain in its current state should not be a hard AI.
Eyes should not have Spec Forces posts as part of their network, the SF post decision should be a separate aspect.
State of Empire: