So, I got bored and decided to play a little thematic game against a Spireling and Zenith Descendant on 7/7.
Normally I can play on a 7/7 no problem, unless something drastically goes wrong and I mess something upbig-time. However, the Zenith and Spire ships compliment each other so well, it's unreal. Spire tractor platforms drag your ships apart while the Bombards hammer them, or Beam Frigates and Grenade Launchers take advantage of the close proximity of the tracored ships for mx damage. Stealth Battleships with Tractor Platforms nearby make for a very difficult target to safely attack, and Blade Spawners and Bombards with Gravity Drains and Rippers make for unpursuable sniper-like craft. I'm telling you, that's one nasty combination.
I'm going to turn off tractor units and see if it helps. I think I lose tractor beams, but with the use of spider turrets and grav turrets, I can mitigate that a ittle bit if it means that the tractor platforms can't divide and conquer my units. If that doesn't help, I'll turn the tractors back on and try some different starting units to see if they make a difference much. It may be that sniper ships could be useful to wear down the blade spawners and bombards at range, as well as picking off those tractor platforms before they get in range of my blob.