Author Topic: What a psychotic AI....  (Read 5240 times)

Offline Don Carsto

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What a psychotic AI....
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:16:03 am »

still playing AI War and now, in my actual game, Level 7, AI 1 Technology robber (its that the right english meaning, I am german) and AI 2 Peacemaker
after playing 16 hours, holding 11 systems.
2 systems was completely cleared as a buffer zone to one of my borders.
Have at all 4 borders.
One of this borders was buffered by a Dyson Sphere and so I was not very afraid to kill the 4 systems at this part of the
galaxy. All ships that are spawn by killing the command centers was killed by dyson gatlings and I got 4 new cleared systems,
one with the very useful Mark IV factory that I need very very much.
So, after killing this systems, the AI was very angry.
AIP by 375.
AI 1 send mark IV and AI 2 mark II.

So, after making the AI angry, a message comes in, that a galaxy-wave with 2100 ships will start in 12 minutes.

Now my status was this, that I dont know, where the ships will invade.
Have left 3 borders.
This with the 2 system buffer has 700 mercenary fighters and 178 mark III fighters, 50 mark II fighters and 148 mark III z-polaryzers,
at last a fortress mark I.
Thats not really enought for defeating the border, so I hoped, that they wont come there.
My second border 178 mark II bombers, 168 mark II z-polaryzers, 108 mark II fighters, a fortress mark I.
Not very much.
The 3rd border only with 198 mark I fighters, 198 mark I bombers, 198 mark I cruisers and 198 mark I z-polaryzers, a mark I fortress.
Very much, but only mark I, and I feel, this wave will be evil mark IV.
So what can I do?
The president of the free human empire wants to surrender, but the military general had a very good plan.
He convince the president that the AI will wipe out the hole humans, after surrender and after a fall of one of this borders.
So he looks up what can be done in this left 12 minutes.

Building up a fleet with mercenarys ist to slow, only 90 ships will be builded up in this short time.
But then, he remembers one good thing was happend some hours ago.

We picked up an netbot golem and made them workable.
We tested it in a system with more than 1000 ships and he worked good and his health only gone down
to 200.000.000.
Repairing it was very expensive.
So we send it to a save system for repairing.
This system was one hop from the system with the mark I fleet, so if the wave will come there, we can
send the golem very fast to this system, cause the mark I ships against mark IV ships will not survive very long.
The golem was at this time (3 minutes left before the wave arrives) by more than 320.000.000 health.
The countdown only one minute left. A look at the AI systems showed, that many ships will come
to the mark I wormhole. Oh my god.
Also, moving the golem to support the system.
The countdown ran out.
Some ships comes in. Was killed soon by defence turrets.
Thats all?  Haha, thats all, you can bet us? A look at the AI system, the whole lot of ships (2000) was moving to the mark I wormhole.
And it comes and comes. 500, 1000 more and more........ fight guys, keep fighting, we must survive....
After all, the defence killed many ships, the golem produced more than 1000 zombies and
the mark I fleet made good work too. The fat 2000 mark IV wave was completely terminated.
Only lost 70% of the glory mark I ships and nothing else.
The golem has 200.000.000 health left and the 1000 zombies made a maniac run to the bordersystems.

Oh, I love the netbot-golem, cause he saved our ass today.......
And I think, the AI now is more angry as before.....

See u,
Don Carsto...

Oh, I mean Botnet Golem...

Actually I am still alive and the next galaxy-wide wave will arrive in 12 min 28 sec.
My Botnet is full health. I upgraded the mark I system now with mark III and mark IV fighters, bombers cruisers and z-paralyzers.
Hope the wave will arrive there and not in another system.
I am now 20 hours in game but maybe, the end is near. If I get more system I think, the border agrression will start.

I have 6349 ships.
Dyson sphere has 716, but they are not in action, they are waiting around the sphere.

AI has 39669.... and still raising.

This time, I am exploring (mark IV explorer) the last 33 from 80 systems of galaxy, never seen the AI homewordls.
Both are in the left arm of the galaxy.

And its a very far way to there. This game will be harder as I thought.......

Oh, please dont let the AI overrun us.... Please...........

Don Carsto
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 11:21:37 am by Don Carsto »

Offline superking

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 11:03:44 am »
botnet golem kicks ass at dominating waves and CPA but is little use in deep striking

Offline Don Carsto

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 11:54:26 am »

Puuuuuh, this wave I survived too.
This AI is a real bastard....

Send out the whole wave to one system in one rush.
But it was my botnet system with the best defences.
After shrinking the botnet health down to 200.000.000, by producing more than 700 zombies I thought
thats all.
But then another rush with 1600 ships arrived suddenly.
Mostly infiltrators and korvettes.
And they are attacking directly my botnet golem.
But I killed them all. My golem now has a health from 184.000.000.
He is absorbing much of attacking.
And more than 1000 Zombies are now on the run.

But that was to much. Now I strike back.
I now kill this aggressive system.
He will never attack me again. This psychotic bastard...
He only left 1600 ships (inclusive turrets) in that system.
Haha... He think I am afraid of that, but, never......

Don Carsto...

Offline Don Carsto

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 12:16:47 pm »

Haha, thats was real easy... He was absolutely surprised.
Came in the system with 3 transporters.
Only one was loaded. Only mark I, mark III and mark IV z-polaryzers. (I love them much for killing command stations).
After entering the system, all 3 transporters straight against the command station.
But the loaded waited a little bit.
The other 2 flying over the station and all the very stupid AI ships follwed them.
So my full loaded transporter goes directly near the station.
Load them all out. Pressing P. Select them, targetting the station and P..
After two shot-periodes ----> Booooom....
And the best, no tractor beams. Haha.. Very very stupid AI..
Also, all ships back into transporter.
And back to my system.
The empty transporters too..

Going in with 200 ships, coming back with 193.
Only lost 7..... At all...

Then the system spawn followed my transporters

All the 1400 ships where killed or zombinized...
The system is now clear, only a spezial forces post must been killed, cause
it spawn many ships.

Now, he will never attack me again....

I hope...

Don Carsto..


Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2010, 10:20:23 pm »
Bitte schneiden Sie sie in einzelne Abschnitte und nicht in verschiedene Linien, es schmerzt meine Augen, sie zu lesen

also , i don't think the AI will let you rest since you have that big-giant obvious AI-Hatred Golem

Offline Nemo

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 12:27:31 am »
Denk Ich auch, Crit Rawkets.

Golems attract waves, or at least used to, so you can expect to have a lot of action when you keep them near the front lines.

Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2010, 02:35:32 am »
Sie verwendet entweder eine ausfallsichere Übersetzer oder Ihr Deutsch Lehrer nicht unterrichten Sie auch

Also , lol offtopic olo

Offline Don Carsto

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2010, 02:54:44 am »
Sorry about the text layout.  ::)
I write on a very huge screen and so I cant see the linebreaks on smaller screens.
I now try to cut not so many lines. Only blocks.
Thanks Crit Rawkets for this hint..

>Golems attract waves, or at least used to, so you can expect to have a lot of action when you keep them near the front lines.

Yes, but I moved him to a non border system for repairing and rest.
Only use him, to block very very hard waves.
After that I bring him back to a non border system.

This time, I am 25 hours in game, at my other (non golem) border came a galaxy-wide wave with 2800 ships.
They must cross this 2 buffer-systems and was mostly trapped by my spider turrets.
The rest sniper-proof ships was killed with my giant mercenary-fighter fleet by entering the border systems.

I now have 20 systems.
AI has left 56.

My ships: 7305
Dyson Sphere: 1619 (keep sleeping)
AI: 48543 (1005 without engine, trapped at the buffer systems)

The AI 2 homeworld is 9 hops away from this buffer system.
So I have 10 hops from my direct border.
The AI 1 homeword 20 hops away. At the very very far end of the galaxy.
Think 100 hours or more, I will reach this system.

The game now is very very relaxing.
Not many waves, (AI Progress by 501)
My economy is now very strong.
No more ressource lack.
So I can plan more strategic now and must find a way to the first homeworld.

Don Carsto

Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2010, 03:39:39 am »
well , do you know that Golems Attract extreme waves? , which means that without that golem , you won't have to be owned by several waves with more then 2000 ships in them at once

Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2010, 03:52:31 am »
Don Carsto - Linebreaks here are dynamic, so always write a paragraph and don't hit enter unless you actually mean to end a paragraph (or if you want to list things ;p). That way forum does fit your text-blocks properly no matter what resolution the one viewing it has. Though if you have widescreen to you it might look like a long 1 lined sentence thing, in reality, as long as you don't hit enter, the forum will rescale it.

Just a random remark ;) Besides that this sounds very interesting, albeit i hope for you it doesn't take 100 hours to reach AI Homeworld 2 ;)

I usually win my games within 15-20 hours...  ;) :) :D ;D

Und Hallo - Bin zwar Deutsch, aber Forum ist ja leider Englisch also.. Schreib einfach ganz normal egal wie lang der Post auf deinem Widescreen ist, das Forum macht den rest so lange du nich dauernd enter drückst. (Explained the above in german ;p)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 03:55:17 am by eRe4s3r »
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Offline superking

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2010, 06:07:32 am »
with a botnet golem, if you have the resources to keep it repaired it is beneficial to keep it on your wave receiving planet. 3x wave size? thats 3x as many zombies for the horde! microing the botnet with on and offline so it only fires when there are a large number of enemies in range is the way foward

Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2010, 06:47:55 am »
Nun, das ist das Problem, dass die Botnet Golem wird manchmal fälschlicherweise Feuer alle ihre Hits auf einzelne Ziele

und mircoing ist nicht richtig

ENGLISH : well , the problem is that the Botnet Golem will sometimes mistakenly fire all their hits on single targets

and mircoing ain't right

Offline Don Carsto

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2010, 07:22:58 am »

Hmm, I think, only holding the golem next to an AI-system will provocate these waves.
Or is it so, that the golem by himself, no matter on which system, will provocate the AI?

This galaxy-wide waves are coming I think every 4 or 5 hours.
It starts with 400, then 800 then 1400, 2000 and at least 2800 ships.
That I think its normal. Cause in other games without golems this waves are coming through, too.

I think the normal warpgate waves will been provocated by this golem, when he is in the system next to the warp-gate.
Cause he need the existance of a warp gate in an adjoining system to bee supported and workable.

And the last 2800 galaxy-wide-ship rush was not send against the golem system, they was send on the other side of my border.

Its possible too, thats is the playing style of the AI-type (technology-robber).
Cause the dyson-sphere will use the same psychologic profile as the KI-1.
So the Dysons gatlings making an assembly in their system. Now more than 1600.
And I think later, in one rush they all spread out against the AI-systems.
Starting a galaxy-wide-ship-wave aganst the AI.
So I hope.
But the AI doing the same. Making ship assemblys and then in one rush all against one border.

What I love very much on this game (AI-War) that it keep surprising me game after game.

All the games before my actual game, AI liked to send out spys that are killing my home-command-center.
Now, in the first game hours of the actual game I builded up a counter-spy and I never had seen one AI spy in this game after so much hours.
Only infiltrators, korvettes and these nuisance sentinel-frigates (or in english cruisers?? ) in masses.

Every game a new strategy from the AIs. Very very amazing.....
Thank you again x4000.

Don Carsto..


Offline Don Carsto

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2010, 07:38:08 am »

>I usually win my games within 15-20 hours...  ;) :) :D ;D

I never won a game in that time. I only won one game level 5.
And I need many many hours for 50 system-map.
But Id taken all systems from the AI.
And the first homeworld I found very early.

But in this game, 80 systems.
Level 7.
A massiv amount of ships in the border AI systems.
And a very long way to the homeworlds.
And a peacemaker AI, so I cant use raid-starship to kill command stations.
So I must fly with transporters and so I cant do deep striking.
Only 2 systems deep from my border cause the transporters will been crushed soon.

With raid-starships I often made strikes 5 or 6 systems deep.
But this mass-driver-cannons everywhere are killing them soon against a peacemaker.
So I use z-polaryzers for quick kill the command center or the command posts.
They are workling fine.
Better than bombers.

But my borders are now strong defenced enought and I can now walk straight against the homeworld.
Or first I kill these 4 co-prozessors. But its no matter if the AI-progress shrink a little.
AI-1 send mark IV waves, cause its a psychotic technology robber.

Don Carsto

Offline Frozen Critical

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Re: What a psychotic AI....
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 09:00:40 pm »
oh what? where the hell's my post?

oh well , REPOSTED :

you took 15-20 hours to win a 80+ planet games? i don't know but i think thats the Fastest time Revealed to the community(i won 80+ planet games in 5 hours before , but as said , i don't like to brag)