Today I decided that this game should end. So I start to prepare my fleet in wixu and...
ooo is that a threat fleet attacking on the other end
Such a nice nova that I create in the middle, yes I have unlocked all lightning turrets. Actually I have unlocked all turrets that do damage, so defenses are ready. The threat are killed swiftly and my fleet can again look through the battle plan for getting the last shard
and yes the Commander does look like a pirate! The blue rings are
annihilated safe planets and the
treasure shard is marked by the cross. But before I follow that battle plan I will wait for the Exos so they can be safely handled by the defenses. So here comes the spire exo
oo a golem that i have not seen before, wait what is that
hmm not just one golem, interesting.
The battle was fierce but short. The golems was totally destroyed before they left the warp gate area.
The golem exo is even weaker so directly after that one I leave for the shard.
hmm a new exo... Ok lets do a fast grab and run for the shard before that exo are released. The shard recovery goes really smoth and nice but the fleet does not get home in time so
an nice spire fleet of more than 100 ships and 1k firepower spawns. This is additional to the 13k of threat, whereof most are at the last planet I need to go through, awesome. Luckily for me the exo wave don't go off their path for my ships and the 10k threat in that planet are killed after a loop around the star system. Not a ship lost.
So now the end game starts with 30 min count down, this I have been scared off.
5 minutes into the count the numbers start to go off the scale
11k fire power and 14k threat. That should do something to my defenses i guess.
hmm it did precisely take down the shields and some lightning turrets but more than that didn't happen, that was a let down
But that was the worst that happened during those 30 min. oo except I forgot to mention, when it was 30 sec left i used the doomsday device which gave an awesome effect. 200k lvl 4 ships incoming in 15 minutes but I will win in 30 so no problem.
oooo wait I didn't win with that timer on 0. eh that may get interesting because my fleet is off line.
But it comes some cool ships from my command station that still works. I hope they can win for me before I die.
Victory indeed
So what to say about FS. It was fun and exciting to wield that amount of power but it got a little boring sometimes when the answer to all problems was to add more towers until nothing could survive. It was the easiest game I played in AI war strategy wise, after I learned to handle the tacklers.
Normally I have not been able to out build the AI so totally except it was close when I had shield bearers on last game. In FS it is possible to stay still and stop caring about AIP, this leads to that i got all knowledge I want and more.
I think next time I play FS, it will be as a way to survive a 10/10 game or a map that is much harder to block of.