Arcen Games

General Category => AI War Classic => AI War Classic - After Action Reports => Topic started by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 11:37:45 am

Title: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 11:37:45 am
So I started the (,11071.0.html) new game today because I was super tired yesterday.

This is the map I'm playing on:
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I chose the Electric Shuttle ( as my bonus ship because I thought they would help me deal with the massive waves like.. 8000 Autocannons (,11071.15.html)  :o Haven't got anything like that yet since I'm at 75 AIP atm. So far it has actually been really easy  ??? .. I'm sure it will get much harder later.

Settings should be the same as the last time.
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The 10/10 Neinzul Rocketry Corps has not caused any problems yet. The minimum distance between a Rocket Silo and the player's home planet seems to be 4 hops. Can't wait to taste some of those EMP missiles.
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I disabled teleporting ships because I liked the map but not the ships (when you disabled a ship type you will get a new set of ships on different planets)

Here's my plan atm:
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I've found 4 golems, 1 Adavanced Research Station and an Advanced Factory. I found the Cursed and Botnet golems in the north east when I still had only my home planet. I used Transport scouting; scouts into transports and you can scout ~2 extra hops. So I started working my way towards the 2 golems but was blocked by an AI Super Fortress ( Took a while to destroy that thing.
I already know
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 11:56:02 am
I will keep this topic updated whatever I lose or win. We'll see what happens! Been quite easy.. too easy.. I think the Hybrids are toying with me or something  :o
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Mánagarmr on July 12, 2012, 11:58:03 am
I will keep this topic updated whatever I lose or win. We'll see what happens! Been quite easy.. too easy.. I think the Hybrids are toying with me or something  :o
That's the best thing about the Hybrids. You never quite know what the heck they are up to...until it's way too late. And it's driving you insane :P
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 12, 2012, 12:05:38 pm
No teleporting??  Bye-bye Engineer IIIs.  Hope you didn't plan on taking advantage of the repair rate "feature".
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 01:19:47 pm
No teleporting??  Bye-bye Engineer IIIs.  Hope you didn't plan on taking advantage of the repair rate "feature".
Good point. Didn't remember Engineer IIIs teleport. But I never unlock them so whatever.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 01:22:10 pm
This is getting really annoying.. my turrets don't kill them and tachyon turrets don't seem to detect everything. Are tachyon turrets bugged or what's going on?  >:( AARRRR
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EDIT: There were holes in my defenses so they weren't detected. Should be fixed now!
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 12, 2012, 01:26:46 pm
What are the 25 cloaked units in that system?  My first guess was you got attacked by mobile cloaking Ion Cannons, but I'm thinking that probably not correct.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 01:29:56 pm
What are the 25 cloaked units in that system?  My first guess was you got attacked by mobile cloaking Ion Cannons, but I'm thinking that probably not correct.
Vampire Claws or Spire Stealth Battleships. Didn't check but those I've been getting all the time.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Diazo on July 12, 2012, 01:31:16 pm

I assume you are talking about the Vampire Claws? Those have cost me many a command station, many.

I see you've got Laser Turrets up so they should die fast.

The big problem is their speed, at 108 they are fast and because they are Tractor Beam immune only Grav turrets slow them down.

Having said that, last time I ran into them Tachyons worked on them, just because they are so fast they can cross the Tachyons range before the Turrets shots catch up.

Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 12, 2012, 01:35:20 pm
Gravity Turret + Lightning Turrets (4ish should do) make a Command Station immune to Vampire Claws.  Unless they are somehow bugged into perma-stealth.  There was a change to cloaking a patch or two ago regarding tachyon beams and force fields, so maybe there is a bug and tachyon beams don't work under friendly force fields anymore.  Are you getting clearly buggy (perma-cloaked) behavior, or is it just the AI being annoying.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: keith.lamothe on July 12, 2012, 02:06:40 pm
so maybe there is a bug and tachyon beams don't work under friendly force fields anymore
The thought occurred to me, but... no.  I don't see how removing a "if (obj.ProtectingForcefield != null) then skip" clause could possibly impact this situation because the enemies never would have considered friendly forcefields as protecting them anyway, and even if they were all that change would have done was make them go from not-uncloakable to uncloakable while they were under your ff.

Is anyone else "seeing" this behavior?
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 03:03:08 pm
Nah.. I think there were just holes in my defenses so they didn't get detected  :(
Should be fixed now!

This setup on friendly wormholes and same without the FF on hostile wormholes. In addition to that now I have Tachyon and Gravity turrets protecting the CCs. Should detect/stop all stealth and raiding ships.
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Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 04:25:35 pm
Ok I'll abandon this game because Electric Shuttles don't seem to do anything and I need to change my research order.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 12, 2012, 04:45:55 pm
They worked last time I had them.  It didn't happen to be a wave of Missile Frigates, did it?  They are AOE immune and so Electric Shuttles can't hurt them.  Missile Frigates are the bane of my existance.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 12, 2012, 06:10:25 pm
They worked last time I had them.  It didn't happen to be a wave of Missile Frigates, did it?  They are AOE immune and so Electric Shuttles can't hurt them.  Missile Frigates are the bane of my existance.
I always use the Schizophrenic AI Option so waves always have a mix of ships instead of 1 type.
They didn't really fit my play style and I don't think they're good vs 10/10. The waves in 10/10 are so big if your ships go too close they will be destroyed instantly. Or half of them. And Electric Shuttles have a "bad habit" of rushing towards the enemy ships.
I kite the AI ships around the planet with Riot Control SSs and destroy few hundred ships at a time. I think I've tried Electric Shuttles once before.. they're not for me and I think they could use a slight buff.

I prefer long rage ships. Anti Armor, Frigate and Riots are good combo. Or Snipers (instead of Anti Armors). Long range and counters all/most hull types.

Anyway.. I just started a new game. Using Snipers atm and I like this map better. I have better chances of winning now. Been scouting and working on the plan.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 12, 2012, 08:17:05 pm
Very true, shuttles close way to much and it does get them killed.  I really should mantis that.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 13, 2012, 04:09:37 am
Ok so here's the new game. If this game fails I'm gonna take a break  :'( But I have better chances of winning on this map. The last one was very hard.. and the ships the AI unlocked didn't make it any easier... -________- *facedesk*. Also This time I'm using Snipers. The damage output from snipers usually doesn't go down during a battle because of their range. They don't get destroyed.. unlike the Electric Shuttles which have a "bad habit" of rushing towards the enemy. They're more like "brute force" ships. Doesn't work vs 10/10.. the AI will always be stronger than the player.

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Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 14, 2012, 09:12:16 am
There used to be ~2400 AI ships, but then they took a.. a Botnet Golem to the knee?  ::) :P
The turrets alone can stop a bit more than 1500 ships (a mix of Mark II(Often MarkIIIs in Carriers) Fighters (Bulletproof/Normal), Frigates, Bombers, Space Tanks, Armor Ships and Neinzul Younglings) without the Command Center (Military MarkI) getting destroyed. They will stop more than 2000 but the Command Center will be destroyed (Rebuilders will rebuild the Command Center and turrets will keep shooting thanks to the patch (a good change)). With the turrets + my fleet probably about 3000. And now I got this Botnet Golem so I'm basically just trolling the AI.
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BRB gonna go capture and repair the Broken Hive golem ~4 hops away from my home planet and finish the game.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 14, 2012, 10:19:49 am
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Atm I have 106 AIP. There's ~3 Data Centers left in the galaxy. The Co-Processors and the Super Terminal which I most likely wont use since it's almost next to the other AI's home planet.

I'm going to capture minimum of 2 planets before I finish the game. The one with the Hive Golem and another one with an Advanced Research Station. It will be the first ARS I've captured this game btw^^.

Capturing those 2 planets would increase my AIP by 40. --->146 AIP. Getting the Hive Golem will increase it by 23 and ARS by 17. Luckily there's a Data Center on the same planet with the Hive Golem and another on an adjacent planet. So the AIP will be deacreased by 17. Then I will destroy the third (and possibly the last) Data Center which is 4 hops away from the Broken Hive Golem. After that the AIP will be 69. Then I will capture the ARS which will increase the AIP by 17 to 86.

Then I could capture the other Golems and the ARS but I don't know if I need them. We'll see. Destroying an AI Home Command Center increases the AIP by 100 though.. hm. I will make a "highway" (by destroying Ion Cannons Guard Posts which don't increase the AIP) from one of my planets to the AI Home planets and between them. I will neuter the AI Homeworlds with the Hive Golem and my fleet and destroy both very fast. I'll leave the Botnet Golem to defend my planets and to stop the waves.

Oh and I just remembered I might need a beach head planet to avoid deep striking.. *facedesk* .. I might capture the rest of the Golems.. we'll see.

I have 250 Knowledge atm. After capturing the Hive Golem and the ARS I will have 6250. I could use it to unlock MarkII Hardened Force Field Generators and MarkIII Missile Turrets.. OR MarkII Basic Turret, MarkII Laser Turrets and MarkII Gravitional Turrets. Or something like that.

I'll probably not unlock MarkIII ships because I don't have a good access to an Advanced Factory. Also I feel like my fleet is strong enough. Especially now that I have the Botnet Golem. And soon a Hive Golem..

All of these things I'm going to do will obviously take some/lot time.. I'll probably have to destroy more Super Hybrids. I already destroyed 1 and another one spawned ~5-10 minutes after that -_____________- Good thing I left my scouts camping around the galaxy. I'll see it when/if it moves around.. dunno how much they actually move.. or do they just sit on some planet and do their stuff there.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 14, 2012, 11:48:20 am
Wait, you have CSGs on and only will capture 1 ARS?  Isn't that possible?  You should need to take 4 of the ARS planets just to knock out the CSG-A network, right?
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Mánagarmr on July 14, 2012, 11:49:16 am
Wait, you have CSGs on and only will capture 1 ARS?  Isn't that possible?  You should need to take 4 of the ARS planets just to knock out the CSG-A network, right?
You have to capture n-1 ARS:s, where "n" is the total number of ARSs in the galaxy. So if he has CSGs, then yes, he'll have to capture more than 1.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 14, 2012, 12:08:18 pm
Wait, you have CSGs on and only will capture 1 ARS?  Isn't that possible?  You should need to take 4 of the ARS planets just to knock out the CSG-A network, right?

Ohh snap I forgot about those CSGs! I will have to capture 3 "extra" planets.

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Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Hearteater on July 14, 2012, 05:19:59 pm
I can hear the AI right now, going "Muwhahahaha!"
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Wanderer on July 14, 2012, 07:38:57 pm
Ohh snap I forgot about those CSGs! I will have to capture 3 "extra" planets.

4, actually, 2 As, a B, and the C.  You're looking at... hmmm... 190 AIP before homeworld stepping stones?  Oh, heh, you haven't located 'em yet, though a guess would be upper left and along that top arc, but I've misplaced the worlds before.

Keeping your Fact IV safe looks like it'll take four warp-gate pops, throwing another 20 on top, though it looks like you could do some exploring and find a few more Data Centers.

Overall, looks like you're in a reasonable position.  Good luck on the brutal post rolls. :)
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: keith.lamothe on July 14, 2012, 10:49:28 pm
Very impressive thus far :)

My guess is that the extra AIP involved in capturing enough planets to take down the CSG-network will pump up the waves to at least a semi-dangerous level (though I guess you do have about 100 AIP reduction left, not counting the superterminal which could be an ace in the hole).

The real question is whether either homeworld rolled any core raid engines.  If either rolled 2 CRE's that could be GG right there even with the AIP you already have.  1 CRE would be a lot more reasonable though still possibly deadly depending on circumstances.  1 CRE + 1 Core CPA could be nasty depending on how many guards are left out there.

The big variable in this compared to most of the 10/10 stuff I've been analyzing is the golems.  Specifically, the Botnet golem.  I wouldn't put it past you to be able to eat a 3000 ship CRE wave with just a micro'd botnet and some static ;)
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 15, 2012, 03:30:20 am
4, actually
1 planned and 3 extra  ;)

EDIT: ohh.. that means 9000 extra tasty tasty knowledge :PP
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 15, 2012, 04:33:43 am
(though I guess you do have about 100 AIP reduction left, not counting the superterminal which could be an ace in the hole).

I just realized I can use the Hive Golem when I activate the Super Terminal.. also.. I just found ANOTHER Hive Golem. I'll get both.. Hive Golems are a MUST in end game. Ohh the possibilities.. other Hive Golem defends the planets.. the other one will be used to clear the AI Home Worlds.

The real question is whether either homeworld rolled any core raid engines.  If either rolled 2 CRE's that could be GG right there even with the AIP you already have.  1 CRE would be a lot more reasonable though still possibly deadly depending on circumstances.  1 CRE + 1 Core CPA could be nasty depending on how many guards are left out there.
*Mwahahaha* Bring it on Core Raid Engines!
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 15, 2012, 07:26:39 am
This is how I'm going to use the knowledge

Knowledge currently:   3250
Knowledge left to be captured:   12000
Total knowledge:      15250
0/4 "extra" planets researched

Technology| Cost| Total cost| Knowledge left| Availability
MarkII Tractor Beam Turrets| 2000| 2000| 13250| Now
MarkII Military OCC| 4000| 6000| 9250| +1 planet ("Upper" CS-A1)
MarkII Heavy Beam Cannons| 2500| 8500| 6750| +2 planets ("Bottom" CS-A1)
EMP Mines| 1000| 9500| 5750| +3 planets ("Eastern"CS-C1)
MarkII Laser Turrets| 2500| 12000| 3250| +3 planets ("Eastern"CS-C1)
MarkII Gravitional Turrets| 3000| 15000| 250| +4 planets ("Northern" CS-B1)

I used the 250 Knowledge to unlock MarkI Tachyon Turrets since the AI unlocked Space Planes.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: keith.lamothe on July 15, 2012, 09:24:22 am
If you want a table you can use:

Code: [Select]
[tr][td]Technology[/td][td]Cost[/td][td]Total cost[/td][td]Knowledge left[/td][td]Availability[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]MarkII Tractor Beam Turrets[/td][td]2000[/td][td]2000[/td][td]13250[/td][td]Now[/td][/tr]

to produce this:

TechnologyCostTotal costKnowledge leftAvailability
MarkII Tractor Beam Turrets2000200013250Now
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 15, 2012, 09:57:26 am
If you want a table you can use:

Code: [Select]
[tr][td]Technology[/td][td]Cost[/td][td]Total cost[/td][td]Knowledge left[/td][td]Availability[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]MarkII Tractor Beam Turrets[/td][td]2000[/td][td]2000[/td][td]13250[/td][td]Now[/td][/tr]

to produce this:

TechnologyCostTotal costKnowledge leftAvailability
MarkII Tractor Beam Turrets2000200013250Now

Thanks bro ;D It does look a lot better now!
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 18, 2012, 05:00:22 am
I just scouted the whole map and found more CS-A1s. I'll capture 2 extra planets. I don't think that's going to be a huge problem though. Not with the golems, defenses and the extra knowledge from the planets.

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Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 18, 2012, 09:37:13 am
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and omg -______________- GO AWAY
It has been there (on my home planet and next to my space dock) for like 10 minutes and probably wont leave until ALL of my zombies are dead. I wish I could blow it up with my penetrators :(
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Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: keith.lamothe on July 18, 2012, 10:11:06 am
The cookie monster is hungry, and you have the cookie factory! ;)
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 18, 2012, 04:29:23 pm
The cookie monster is hungry, and you have the cookie factory! ;)
I'll end the game tomorrow btw  :P
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 19, 2012, 11:38:16 am
Difficulty 10/10 is something we balance in such a way that nobody but the top starcraft players (or whoever of that caliber) could ever win, and it would be a struggle for them.
Given that those folks largely don't play AI War to my knowledge, if anyone ever wins 10/10 then we've messed up. ;) (
So I just won the game. It was surprisingly easy and I think 10 difficulty could use a buff..
(..even though I'm not a Starcraft player  :P Didn't rly like Starcraft. It's a button smacking game. The one who smacks buttons faster wins. It's all about being faster than your enemy. Like aiming in Counter Strike. Sure there's strategy too but the strategies are easy to learn and understand. Maybe I'll get the thumb out of my ass some day and learn all the hotkeys and stuff.)

"Screenshots or didn't happen!"
Here you go:
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-10 speed. SlowMo for more epicness :P
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 19, 2012, 11:45:31 am
I still had golems and other nuke proof ships left. I lost my Botnet Golem on the second AI's home planets (screenshots) because I got lazy. The Space Docks were building ships all the time. I also had caps of MarkI and II Lightning Warheads. It would have taken ~1minute from the golems to get back to my planets to defend. I would have destroyed the attackers and then the Super Hybrids which were antagonizing the Dyson Sphere. I could have destroyed the Super Hybrids much earlier but I knew I would win the game before that so I didn't have to. Basic and Laser Turrets + Lightning Warheads would have destroyed the ~50 Dyson Gatlings. Wave sizes were ~5-8k. I would have stopped them with the golems while rebuilding the turrets and stuff.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: TechSY730 on July 19, 2012, 11:51:22 am
Hmm, it seems that MOAR has certainly made things tougher, it look like it may not be enough, and I don't think more "MOAR" is the way to go (though a little bit MOAR may be good, especially for the other ways the AI can attack, like CPAs and exo-wave)

Maybe it is time to dig through mantis and start implementing some of those fancy new "smart" behaviors for the AI that have been proposed over the last year or so?

EDIT: Oh, and congrats on the win! Taking on 10/10 without excessive cheese is by no means an easy feat (maybe not as hard as it should of been, but still not a walk in the park)
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 19, 2012, 12:22:18 pm
EDIT: Oh, and congrats on the win! Taking on 10/10 without excessive cheese is by no means an easy feat (maybe not as hard as it should of been, but still not a walk in the park)

Now I'll try to win vs Raid Engine(10 Diff) and Scorched Earth(10 Diff) on 10 planet map.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 19, 2012, 02:39:11 pm
Oh and what's "MOAR" ??? mother of all..  ::)
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: TechSY730 on July 19, 2012, 02:42:30 pm
Oh and what's "MOAR"  ??? mother of all..  ::)

A "humurous" misspelling of more. We often use it to express the idea of buffing by just throwing more numbers or stats on something, rather than something complicated and fancy.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 19, 2012, 02:48:18 pm
aaaa kk!  :D
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Faulty Logic on July 19, 2012, 03:37:47 pm
Congragulations. 10/10 is always nasty, so good job.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: keith.lamothe on July 19, 2012, 03:53:00 pm
MOAR, example sentence: "MOAR DAKKA!".  Which is in fact a full grammatically correct sentence in Orkish.  Referring to the self-evident axiom that one always needs more automatic gunfire.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 21, 2012, 03:14:25 am
Btw. I forgot to tell I actually did have teleporters ENABLED for this game. But apparently the AI didn't need teleporting ships to annoy me. The op Spire Stealth Battleships and nasty Space Planes worked too.
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 21, 2012, 07:11:53 am
Here's the research order

Technology| Cost| Total cost
MarkII Metal Harvester| 2000| 2000
MarkII Crystal Harvester| 2000| 4000
MarkIII Metal Harvester| 2500| 6500
MarkIII Crystal Harvester| 2500| 9000
MarkII Scout Drone| 500| 9500
MarkII Bomber| 2500| 12000
MarkII Missile Frigate| 2500| 14500
MarkI Gravitional Turret| 750| 15250
MarkII Sniper| 2500| 17750
MarkI Hardened Force Field Generator| 1000| 18750
MarkII Missile Turret| 3000| 21750
Spider Turret| 3000| 24750
MarkI Heavy Beam Cannon| 500| 25250
MarkII Standard Fighter| 2500| 27750
Tachyon Beam Emitter| 250| 28000
MarkII Tractor Beam Turret| 2000| 30000
MarkII Military OCC| 4000| 34000
MarkII Gravitional Turret| 3000| 37000
MarkII Heavy Beam Cannon| 2500| 39500
MarkII Hardened Force Field Generator| 2000| 41500
MarkII Force Field Generator| 2000| 43500
EMP Minefield| 1000| 44500
Stealth Tachyon Beam Emitter| 1500| 46000
MarkIII Hardened Force Field Generator| 4000| 50000
MarkII Engineer Drone| 1000| 51000

10k starting knowledge
14 planets researched
52k total knowledge
1k knowledge left
Title: Re: The DOOMM!10/10 The Tank/Crafty Spire
Post by: Kahuna on July 22, 2012, 04:02:43 am
This is how I defended my planets. Few screenshots showing the basic turret positioning. Positioning turrets correctly is very important when defending against thousands of AI ships. Position the turrets so the turrets' ranges are even. When Gravitional Turrets start slowing other turrets start shooting. Long range enemy ships (hybrids etc) would just be slowed, out range the turrets and destroy the turrets.
