Alright, now that the tree trimmers are gone and I can stop worrying about them falling out of my 30 foot palm trees...
Where I am:
1:30 in (roughly) and 163 ship wave inbound announces as I fire up. I've updated to .037 as well, so we're about to see if my maws can behave themselves. I grab a save for Keith for later in case he still needs it.
Woot! Maws are working. I started losing ships to the leech and realized I had some parasite buildup. I did a wormhole-bounce (rt-click to system, shift-rt-click back) to clear the parasites, but it got me thinking that it'd be nice if Engis could remove those things.
With the immediate threat removed, the fleet heads for Cisko to remove the 240... 240? That's some reinforcements... 240 ships and move towards Blackstone. My entire fleet does NOT wake the planet. Snicker, though they did suffer some ED. A bit of cleanup takes Cisko down to ~70 ships and we hit Blackstone, starting with a run at the EMP Guardian before it gets cut loose. The Ion III is happily wailing away on me while I chase down a ton of guardians and do general cleanup. I expect to be running with the Maws here eventually. In particular chasing down that sniper guardian took awhile, too. I sic'd the fighters after it while the rest of the fleet kept working.
The new alteration to not force max-time waves in the early game (I'm at 1:40, so I'm getting close to it) is working nicely. I'm getting much smaller waves of 68, 72, etc. This is letting my turret build at homeworld handle the majority of problems. Eventually with a handful of fighters and bombers left protecting my maws, the fleet runs for home after popping Blackstone's CC. The maws barely made it home alive with rebuilt fleet coming to rescue them in Cisko.
At AIP 40 I get a 200 ship wave inbound on Misery. Okay, this can be handled... Need to get the whip up on Blackstone ASAP though. A transport with a Colony ship runs for Blackstone. I build a Mil I next to the Ion III I've been saving. Of course a lone raptor interrupts that plan. I send the Raids over to help do point defense for the moment.
When the Mil I comes up I send what I've got of real fleet over after the Misery defense to help it out for now. I set it to 10 Engi I/5 Rebuilder automatic, drop two FFs on the CC, and 2 on the WH leading back to Cisko so escapees don't have an easy time making a run at the homeworld. The Raiders head back to Misery to make a run at the Warp Gate in Green Lantern shortly, which should shut down waves against homeworld. I also begin Poalrizer construction as well.
I look over the WH map for Blackstone and try to make a few decisions about how I want to organize this one.
So, my CC's on top of the Ion III I suffered so beautifully to keep control of. For a range basis for the diagram, the distance between the Command Center and the Eridani wormhole is about a Laser Turret's full diameter of range. Now I need to make a few decisions here. Hot Sauce I intend to eventually claim as a 'splitter' whipping boy, to keep max-time waves down. I intend to simply go out and blow that gate (with that gate + Green Lantern's I'll be at AIP 50). That leaves the two gates from Matrix and Eridani. Eridani is a monster of a world, I can't break that for a while. Even a raid against its gate will cost me a lot. Matrix, however, is my preferred wave sender. I never intend to take that world, and while it IS back in the 'backfield' I'm relatively sure that until attacks become extreme my homeworld won't be in danger, and it's a world I have no intention of ever taking, whereas I MIGHT take Eridani eventually.
However, one of the things I CAN do is setup a mined path along the yellow stripe, forcing inbounds from Matrix AND Eridani into the same mining path if they make a run at the Cisko WH. With LR firepower chewing on anyone making that run that should protect most, if not all, of the attempted escapes to the Cisko wormhole... well, the ones that don't just immediately run back into Matrix, anyway.
However, if I pop Matrix and remove the concern of immediate retreat... well, if they immediate retreat to Eridani they can just loop around as threat anyway. Kind of a moot point until I seal up the north side.
I also hate short-range defenses. Nearly no time to react and everything's a cluster. Alright, so, I suicide the fleet against Eye, fort, and Mass Driver in Eridani to take down the Warp gate there, too (AIP 55, woots?), but I need to break Eridani eventually anyway. Pop Hot Sauce, lay down a standard minefield and get my turrets up and running on Blackstone. 3 FFs near (but not on) the Matrix WH, with the AoE's inside it. I'll eventually setup an EMP Minefield here too, is my guess. Wave announces for Blackstone while we're building, 214 ships at 1:51. Reasonable, but we're still building, and my econ's in the dirt. This may not go well. I've only got a half-cap of Snipers and LRMs up at the moment. What's rebuilt of the fleet has been shipped over from Misery.
Assault is 23 Beams, 42 Bombers, 47 Fighters, 52 Frigs, 44 Raptors, Flagship/Siege/Raid.... and they came in from Eridani, CRAP. Well, this will be painful. Also, due to the new spread, at 52 AIP with next progress at 500 to Tech III hardened 4 of each are MK III. Ow. He also brought a few buddies from the raid at Hot Sauce in, and I've got 130 threat out there still... somewhere I don't have scouts. My guess, Eridani. The defense went FAAARRRR too easily. I have to assume the majority of the invaders did a retreat and are currently looping. I go to Green Lantern (AI planet) and set an alert for 120 enemy units present on it. As long as I keep scouring Green Lantern that SHOULD give me a warning (if I'm paying attention) of an attack force 'looping' around behind me from the Whipping Boy.
I should probably neuter Cisko to make sure reinforcements don't get tied up at the wormholes... but the main path drags the fleet right over the Cisko CC, so it's kind of useless.
3250 in K now, but my econ's utterly wrecked. I'll wait to spend it on something after I get everyone back up and running. Under Pause, I setup a unit to travel from on top of Cisko into Matrix and 'trace' the line, amazingly slowly, with a standard mine-field line. 170 hand placed mines later... I'm tempted to extrapolate on JUST how boring that is, but I'm pretty sure y'all can figure it out.
Trying to bring online the full turret set I run into Energy problems again. I fire up a double-set on Blackstone too. I've barely got any starships built, only the Raids. Narf.
Still trying to build up at 1:58 another wave (222 ships) heads for Blackstone, this time from the Matrix gate. Turrets still aren't fully up and the FF's are still building. I had to turn off two home settlements to remove some power concerns, as well. There is nothing QUITE like watching a lightning storm eradicate a raptor fleet though.
Time to flip on some Netflix while I spin my wheels waiting for everything to build... or not, right, replaced my Credit Card... have to wait until they process the updated information. Guess I can read Dwarf Fortress Urist McDumbass stories...
Or.... Noooot.
2:03:07. In one minute and twenty five seconds hell rains down on Blackstone. 951 ships. What the HELL?
To the log files, Robin!
The last 3 wave computations:
7/7/2012 1:32:25 PM (5.037)
Starting CreateMixedWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 1:49:07 ; Player.AIType: Peacemaker ; Player.AIDifficulty: 10 ; AIProgressionLevel: 51 ; AITechLevel: 2
WaveSize = MultiplierFromWaveInterval * MultiplierFromHumanHomePlanetCount: 0.58 * 1 = 0.58
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
since difficulty >= 8, effectiveAIP = floor( ( AIProgressionLevel * 0.8 ) ^ 1.1 ) : 59
workingShips = ( effectiveAIP * player.AIDifficulty ) / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) : 196.67
workingShips *= FInt.FromParts( 0, AILoop.Instance.AIRandom.Next( 800, 1100 ) ) : 194.7
workingShips = Max(workingShips,34 * handicap_multiplier) :194.7
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, workingShips :194.7
numberShips = workingShips.IntValue :194
numberTech123 = numberShips - numberDefensive - numberExplosive - numberCore :194
7/7/2012 1:59:47 PM (5.037)
Starting CreateMixedWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 1:57:04 ; Player.AIType: Peacemaker ; Player.AIDifficulty: 10 ; AIProgressionLevel: 52 ; AITechLevel: 2
WaveSize = MultiplierFromWaveInterval * MultiplierFromHumanHomePlanetCount: 0.66 * 1 = 0.66
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
since difficulty >= 8, effectiveAIP = floor( ( AIProgressionLevel * 0.8 ) ^ 1.1 ) : 60
workingShips = ( effectiveAIP * player.AIDifficulty ) / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) : 200
workingShips *= FInt.FromParts( 0, AILoop.Instance.AIRandom.Next( 800, 1100 ) ) : 177.59
workingShips = Max(workingShips,34 * handicap_multiplier) :177.59
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, workingShips :177.59
numberShips = workingShips.IntValue :177
numberTech123 = numberShips - numberDefensive - numberExplosive - numberCore :177
7/7/2012 2:06:30 PM (5.037)
Starting CreateMixedWaveToPlanet at Game Time: 2:03:01 ; Player.AIType: The_Tank ; Player.AIDifficulty: 10 ; AIProgressionLevel: 53 ; AITechLevel: 2
WaveSize = MultiplierFromWaveInterval * MultiplierFromHumanHomePlanetCount: 2.06 * 1 = 2.06
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
since difficulty >= 8, effectiveAIP = floor( ( AIProgressionLevel * 0.8 ) ^ 1.1 ) : 61
workingShips = ( effectiveAIP * player.AIDifficulty ) / ( 13 - player.AIDifficulty ) : 203.33
workingShips *= FInt.FromParts( 0, AILoop.Instance.AIRandom.Next( 800, 1100 ) ) : 180.15
workingShips = Max(workingShips,34 * handicap_multiplier) :180.15
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, workingShips :180.15
numberShips = workingShips.IntValue :180
numberTech123 = numberShips - numberDefensive - numberExplosive - numberCore :180
Alright, nothing significant there. Heck, if anything, it's lighter than 2 waves ago. Hm.
Tigers, minipods, and fighters are 500 of these ships. Okay, that makes a little more sense, but still...
Oh, yeah. That'd do it...
7/7/2012 1:32:25 PM (5.037)
Triggering Normal Wave for player 9; wave size factor: 0.58; Game Time: 1:49:08
7/7/2012 1:32:26 PM (5.037)
Receiving AddInboundWave from AI Thread at Game Time: 1:49:08
WaveSize factor: 0.58
Raw Units Dictionary Entries:
RaptorII => 35
MissileShipII => 35
FighterII => 32
BomberII => 43
Flagship => 1
ZenithBeamFrigateII => 33
DreadnoughtII => 1
AIRaidStarship => 1
RaptorIII => 3
Cruiser => 3
FighterIII => 3
BomberIII => 4
ZenithBeamFrigateIII => 3
7/7/2012 1:59:47 PM (5.037)
Triggering Normal Wave for player 9; wave size factor: 0.66; Game Time: 1:57:05
7/7/2012 1:59:48 PM (5.037)
Receiving AddInboundWave from AI Thread at Game Time: 1:57:05
WaveSize factor: 0.66
Raw Units Dictionary Entries:
RaptorII => 31
LeechStarshipII => 2
BomberII => 38
ZenithBeamFrigateII => 28
FighterII => 33
MissileShipII => 31
AIRaidStarship => 1
RaptorIII => 3
BomberIII => 4
ZenithBeamFrigateIII => 3
FighterIII => 3
Cruiser => 3
7/7/2012 2:06:30 PM (5.037)
Triggering Normal Wave for player 8; wave size factor: 2.06; Game Time: 2:03:02
7/7/2012 2:06:30 PM (5.037)
Receiving AddInboundWave from AI Thread at Game Time: 2:03:02
WaveSize factor: 2.06
Raw Units Dictionary Entries:
ArmorShipII => 18
ZenithViralShredderII => 19
FighterII => 25
BomberII => 13
YounglingTigerII => 25
AutocannonMinipodII => 19
MissileShipII => 24
SpaceTankII => 22
BomberStarship => 1
Flagship => 1
DreadnoughtII => 1
ArmorShipIII => 2
ZenithViralShredderIII => 2
FighterIII => 2
BomberIII => 1
YounglingTigerIII => 2
AutocannonMinipodIII => 2
Cruiser => 2
SpaceTankIII => 2
Keith, something's not riiiiiight here...
Nuanced the new wave-time-calculation rule added in the last version such that it is not in effect at the very beginning, and gradually phases in so that it is fully in effect at the two-hour mark. So at the 30 minute mark it has about 25% impact, giving you a chance to expand the number of "entry points" before the AI starts throwing max time waves at you automatically. Thanks to Wanderer for reporting a test game where this rule rather... decisively concluded the game early.
Grandma was happily cruising along until she fell asleep on the gas pedal. Posting this for now at 2:03 with the wave inbound so I can post around.